在云南民族学院民族博物馆展厅,当观众看到用一片片树叶、一束束树根,甚至辣椒、火柴、大蒜、木炭……组成的一封封表情达意的实物情书或信函时,无不感到趣味盎然。 这种实物书信曾流行于云南景颇族的一些山寨,它是文字出现前以物代言传递信息的工具。许多民族学工作者或到过景颇族地区作过调查的人士,都知道这一习俗,并习惯称之为“树叶信”,说它是民族学领域中反映人类文明发展历程的一个最生
In the exhibition hall of the National Museum of Yunnan Nationalities University, audiences are all grateful when they see an emotion-filled physical love letter or letter composed of leafs, bunch of roots, and even chili, matches, garlic and charcoal. abundant. This kind of epistles had been popular in some villages in Yunnan’s Jingpo ethnic group. It was a tool used to convey information through material endorsements before the words appeared. Many ethnological workers or people who visited the Jingpo area have known this practice and used to call it the “leaf letter,” saying that it is one of the most vivid in the field of ethnology that reflects the development of human civilization