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在廣東台山市的海域,漂浮着兩座緊緊相鄰的海島。大一些的,叫上川島;略小一些的,則叫下川島。近些年,又都相繼開闢為度假、旅遊的新地。渴望回歸自然的人們,來到這原本只是漁村、荒灘和野山的綠島一看,還真不錯,於是便被傳揚開來,最後,竟有了「東方夏威夷」的美名。 大都市人湧上海島歡樂度假 近些年,每到春、夏季節,廣州、深圳還有香港、澳門的成千上萬遊客,便擠擠擁擁地搭車乘船,來這兩座海島玩樂。尤其到了暑假,更有人滿之患;而且遊人中間的中、小學生也特別多,在父母親的攜領 In the waters of Taishan City, Guangdong, two closely adjacent islands float. Larger, called Kawashima; slightly smaller, then called Shichuan Island. In recent years, they have also opened up new places for vacation and tourism. People who yearn for their return to nature came to Green Island, which was originally only a fishing village, a wasteland and a wild mountain. It was really good. So they were proclaimed. Finally, there was the fame of “Oriental Hawaii.” Metropolis flooding on the Island Happy Holidays In recent years, every spring, summer, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Macau, thousands of tourists, squeeze crowded by car by sea, to play these two islands . Especially to the summer, more full of suffering; and the middle of the visitors, primary and secondary school is also particularly large, with the parents to bring
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国家实施西部大开发的十大标志性项目之一———紫坪铺水利枢纽工程 ,3月 2 9日正式动工兴建。位于岷江上游都江堰市的紫坪铺水利枢纽工程 ,是以灌溉、供水和防洪为主 ,兼有
A concise definition of Transport Efficiency (TE) was given to examine the amount of transported grains in the pipe flow with certain energy consumption. The tr
自屈原沉江那年開始,汨罗江两旁的居民每年都划龍舟來紀念他,這習俗至今不斷 Since the Quyuan River began that year, residents on both sides of the Miluo River plan
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