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经济运行点评前三季度国民经济运行基本平稳,但受世界经济影响,经济增长速度减缓。初步测算,国内生产总值为67227亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年同期增长7.6%,其中第一产业增长2.5%,第二产业增长9.3%,第三产业增长7%。工业生产稳定增长。9月份完成工业增加值2352亿元,比 Comments on Economic Operation In the first three quarters, the national economy was basically stable, but the economic growth slowed down due to the impact of the world economy. Preliminary estimates show that the gross domestic product (GDP) was 672.27 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 7.6% over the same period of last year, with the growth of 2.5% in the primary industry, 9.3% in the secondary industry and 7% in the tertiary industry. Industrial production grew steadily. In September, the industrial added value was 235.2 billion yuan, up
服务箴言立足于普通消费者,从真正为消费者考虑的角度,进行研发新产品,改进新产品。即使市场遇到了挫折,也要首先考虑消费者的利益。 Proverbs service based on the averag
In this note,we design a velocity-altitude map forhypersonic level flight in near space of altitude 20-100 km.This map displays aerodynamic-related parameters
为应对国际金融危机的影响,落实党中央、国务院关于保增长、扩内需、调结构的总体要求,确保装备制造业平稳发展,加快结构调整, In order to cope with the impact of the in
6月15日,国内首列具有完全自主知识产权的实用型中低速磁悬浮列车在中国北车唐山轨道客车有限公司下线后完成列车调试, On June 15, the first domestic low-speed maglev t
The aerodynamic interaction between the contra-lateral wings and between the body and wings of a modelinsect are studied,by using the method of numerically sol