强化任务落实 加大措施力度 确保全国“两会”期间安全生产形势稳定

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今年以来,全省安全生产形势保持了基本稳定。但部分地区和行业(领域)发生了多起较大安全事故,给人民群众生命财产造成严重损失,社会影响较大,暴露出一些地区、部门特别是企业(单位)隐患排查治理工作不深入、不全面,还存在死角和盲区。为确保全国“两会”期间安全生产形势稳定,为“十二五”时期开好局,省安监局及各级安监部门上下一心,服务大局,按照省委、省政府领导指示要求,认真贯彻落实省安委会有关通知精神,正在全省范围内组织开展一次安全生产大检查。我们从网上了解的各地安全生产大检查动态,编发了本组稿件,旨在互相交流信息,把这次检查推向深入。 Since this year, the province’s production safety situation has remained basically stable. However, a number of major safety accidents have taken place in some areas and industries (areas), causing serious losses to the lives and property of the public. The social impact is large, exposing some areas where the hidden trouble investigation and management of departments, especially enterprises (units) Not comprehensive, there are dead ends and blind spots. In order to ensure that the situation of production safety during the “two sessions” throughout the country is well underway for the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the SAWS and the safety supervision departments at all levels are united in their efforts to serve the overall interests. In accordance with the leadership of the provincial party committee and government Directive requirements, conscientiously implement the notice of the provincial safety committee spirit is being organized within the province to conduct a safety inspection. We know from the online production safety inspection around the dynamic, compiled this set of manuscripts, aimed at mutual exchange of information, the inspection in-depth.
一、市场概况2009年自第2季度开始,在经济大环境回暖的趋势下,产业升级、扩大内需逐渐成为经济消费的巨大拉动力,同时也带动了中央空调市场的复苏。尽管从4 I. Market Overv
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3 Summary and discussion In the generalized drift resonance theory[17],a characteristic signature of the ULF wave-particle interactions is the increasingly-tilt