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“文件打架”的事,古已有之。据《资治通鉴》载,唐高祖李渊手下有位大臣,叫肖(王禹),文武兼资,在他主管文字方面的工作时,李渊发布的指示、敕令之类,常常不能及时得到贯彻,李渊批评他行动迟缓,肖(王禹)解释说:“我过去在隋大业年间任职时,发现隋皇的指示,常前后相违,使下面不知如何执行。居上位的人很容易把文件发下去,下面的人随后就碰到难题。现在王业始建,事关安危,远方若因文件相互抵触,产生疑虑而影响执行,恐怕会失去战机,造成重大损失,所以我每受一敕必仔细审核一番,做到前后文件不相矛盾,才放心下发执行,之所以慢了一点,实在就是这个原因。”高祖听了称赞道:“卿用心如此,吾复何忧。” 这种古时就有的“文件打架”的事,如今尤甚。比如城市的出租汽车,现在是交通部门管,建设部门也管,弄得经营出租车业务的单位或个人必须办两次审批手续,领两次证,缴两次款。又如地下水,水利部门说这是水,该本部门管,地矿部门则认为这水在地下,属矿产资源,应由地矿部门管。其它如房地产交易、城市的土地出让转让,室内装饰行业管理等等,其管理权也是多个部门争执不下的焦点。这些争论之所以产生,都是有文件作为依据的,每个部门都能搬出为本部门说话的规格颇高的文件来,使你不能 “Document fighting” thing, the ancient has been. According to the book “Mirror of Zi Zhi”, Tang Gaozong Li Yuan has a minister under his hand named Xiao (Wang Yu), a writer for literature and education. When he was in charge of writing, Li Yuan issued instructions, ordinances and the like often failing to get timely Li Yuan criticized him for being slow in his actions. Xiao (Wang Yu) explained: “When I was in the position of Sui Dye, I found that the instructions of the Sui Dynasty often ran counter to each other so that the following people did not know how to execute them. Now, after the establishment of Wangye, it is a matter of safety. If there are doubts and affect the implementation in the distance, I am afraid I will lose the fighter and cause heavy losses, so every time I receive a敕 careful review of some, so before and after the file is not contradictory, just assured issued the implementation of the reason why the slower a bit, it is for this reason. ”Gaozu heard praised:“ Qing intentions so, I have any worries. ” This kind of “documentary fight” that existed in ancient times is even worse now. Such as the city’s taxi, traffic control department is now, the construction department also control, confused business taxis units or individuals must do two examination and approval procedures, receive two cards, pay two payments. Another example is the groundwater, water conservancy department said it is water, the pipe department, the mine department believes that water in the ground, is a mineral resources, should be managed by the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources. Others such as real estate transactions, the transfer of land in the city transfer, interior decoration industry management, etc., its management authority is the focus of many departments dispute. These controversies have been produced on the basis of documents that each department can move out of its own high-standard documents that will make it impossible for you to
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