从1995年出现国债期货“327”风波开始,虽然隔三差五没断了技术修补,但中国证券市场却似乎越来越走不出“雷区”.百思不得其解的证券人,终于开始意识到,证券市场的安全离不开技术,但技术织补并不等于就是安全.关于技术与管理之间的辩证关系,开始成为证券市场思考的热点.“,”Banks are not allowed to do securities business in China; and vice verse. Besides,Banks and securities firms are supervised bytwo independent government departments.However. financial supermarkets arebreaking a hole through the wall betweenbanking and securities. The emergence of most financialsupermarkets is a result of urgent needs ofbanks to release more innovative financialproducts. The supermarkets provideconsumers with credits, but can not penetrateinto other financial fields. Experts say thisis an elevation of its core business, but stillfar from breaking down the wall. But there is an exception. The Bank ofCommunications' Xian subsidiary isapparently not satisfied with just doingpersonal finance. The subsidiary looks likepreparing to explore business potentials afterthe wall is down.