并购竞争 看好了再出手

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最近一段时间,又有风声传来,联想也举起了购并大旗,以价值3537万元的有形资产入股赢时通,从而以40%的股份占有率成为该公司的单一最大股东,至此迈开了收购垂直网站的第一步。加上TOM.COM收购163.NET,搜狐收购chinaren.com等几宗大并购案,一时间,业内不得不将视点再次关注于网络的兼并整合。在此我们不得不追溯一下以收购兼并实现产业重组的中公网。中公网旗下有联众网络游戏世界、投资赢家、85818网上购物网站等十余家并购过来的网站。无论是联众游戏(游戏类),还是迈博(医药类)、启迪(教育类)中证融金(投资类),真真是“一个都不能少”。这种整合,最显而易见的好处体现在其广告经营上。广告放在哪儿最吸引人?这一直是让广告商们颇为头痛的一个问题。据Giant Step市场研究机构的一 In recent days, there have been reports of rumors. Lenovo has also raised the banner of mergers and acquisitions. The tangible assets with a value of RMB 35.37 million have become a shareholder, and thus become the single largest shareholder of the company with a share of 40%. The first step in the acquisition of vertical websites was opened. Together with TOM.COM’s acquisition of 163.NET and Sohu’s acquisition of chinaren.com and other major mergers and acquisitions, for a time, the industry had to focus on the integration of the network again. Here we have to trace back to the acquisition of mergers and acquisitions to achieve industrial restructuring in the public network. China Nets has more than a dozen websites such as Lianzhong Online Game World, investment winners, and 85818 online shopping sites. Whether it is Lianzhong Games (games), Maibo (medicines), enlightenment (educational), Chinese securities funds (investment), it really is “one can not be less.” The most obvious benefit of this kind of integration is in its advertising business. Where is the most attractive advertising? This has always been a problem for advertisers. According to Giant Step Market Research Institute
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