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那么,在二手房交易中能否“避税”,如何”避税“?这一直是一个敏感而又充满争议的话题。尤其是在“国六条”新政颁布之后,二手房交易中居高不下的各项交易成本再次成了各方关注的焦点。从目前的情况看,在二手房交易过程中单是各项税费成本(包括契税、营业税、土地增值税、中介费、评估费等等)相加就接近了总价的10%,更不要说还要加上按揭贷款的利息,以及这么一大笔房款今后的机会成本。记者近日从杭州各大中介公司了解到目前在二手房交易市场中确实存在着:名为赠与,实为买卖;做低评估总价;延期过户等三大类“避税”的方式。经过对业内部分专家以及有关部门负责人的采访后,记者发现尽管市场上确实存在着为数不少的“避税”现象,也有一小部分人通过各种方式合法、不合法地规避掉了一些税费,但从整体上来说,这类方法都存在着较大的法律风险、市场风险以及政策风险。因此,奉劝买卖双方不要因为贪图降低交易成本而冒“满盘皆输”的风险。下面就为大家剖析一下这几种避税现象所存在的各类风险。 So, how can tax avoidance be used in second-hand housing transactions and how to avoid tax? This has always been a sensitive and controversial topic. Especially after the promulgation of the “Six State” New Deal, the high transaction costs of second-hand housing transactions have once again become the focus of attention of all parties. From the current situation, in the second-hand housing transactions alone, the cost of various taxes (including deed tax, sales tax, land value-added tax, agency fees, assessment fees, etc.) add up to close to 10% of the total price, not to mention Say plus the interest on the mortgage loan and the future opportunity cost of such a big mortgage. Reporters recently learned from the major intermediary companies in Hangzhou, currently in the second-hand housing market does exist: called gift, in fact, the sale; to do a low assessment of the total price; deferred transfer three categories “tax avoidance” approach. After an interview with some industry experts and heads of relevant departments, the reporter found that although there are indeed a large number of “tax avoidance” phenomena in the market, a small number of people have also evaded some taxes legally and illegally through various means However, on the whole, there are large legal risks, market risks and policy risks in such methods. Therefore, advise buyers and sellers not to run the risk of “losing everything” in an attempt to reduce transaction costs. Below for everyone to analyze the various types of tax avoidance of all kinds of risks exist.
日前,广州一位93岁的肌肉“型爷”沈华走红。他从70岁开始健身,到现在仍然可以完成引体向上以及其他高难动作。虽然我们没必要都达到这样的运动水平,但沈华老先生的肌肉还是非常值得老年朋友们学习的。  怎样才能练出肌肉?其实有一个简单的方法很有效,所有老年人都可以做到,那就是站桩。早在两千多年前,传统医学经典《黄帝内经》就提到过站桩,后来成为习拳练武的基本功法之一。站桩可让肌肉和肌腱保持一定的张力,加强
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