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对西安钟楼环道行驶的地面车辆激励下钟楼木框架结构进行损伤识别,选取钟楼上部木框架结构1层外围的中跨梁进行分析,对钟楼木框架结构采用小波包能量曲率差来进行损伤定位研究。研究表明:该指标在没有噪声干扰情况下能敏感地识别出钟楼上部木框架结构的损伤,能准确定位出钟楼木框架结构梁上出现的损伤位置;损伤程度增加,指标值增大。在信噪比SNR大于或等于40d B情况下,有高斯白噪声的影响时该指标能准确定位钟楼上部木框架梁上出现的损伤位置,能抵抗一定的噪声干扰影响;进一步判别了钟楼木框架结构的损伤程度并进行了验算,为古木建筑结构在交通激励下的损伤识别奠定了理论基础。 Based on the analysis of the damage of the wood frame structure of clock tower driven by the ground vehicle driven by the belfry ring in Xi’an, the mid-span beam on the first floor of the wood frame structure in the upper part of the clock tower was selected for analysis. the study. The research shows that the index can identify the damage of the wooden frame structure in the upper part of the bell tower without noise and can accurately locate the damage position on the wooden beam of the bell tower. The damage degree increases and the index value increases. When the SNR is greater than or equal to 40d B, this index can accurately locate the damage location on the wood beam in the upper part of the bell tower with the influence of white Gaussian noise, which can resist some noise interference. The degree of damage to the structure was checked, which laid the theoretical foundation for the damage identification of the ancient wooden building structure under traffic excitation.
摘要:完善服务体系是促进中小企业成长的重要保障。通过调查长沙市在中小微企业服务体系建设情况,总结成功经验,挖掘发展瓶颈,藉此为我国欠发达地区服务体系的建设提供可资借鉴的经验。  关键词:中小微企业公共服务体系长沙  2011年9月国家工业和信息化部发布的《“十二五”中小企业成长规划》提出“坚持把完善服务体系作为促进中小企业成长的重要保障,力争到‘十二五’末中小企业服务环境进一步优化”。全国各地加快
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