Guangxi’s Beihai Unleashes Its Potential for Airport

来源 :中国-东盟博览(政经版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ningsha
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  China has taken the development of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as GBGEZ) as one of its national strategies. Against the backdrop, Beihai, the sole open seaside city with airport in both GBGEZ and western China, has been steadily exploring the market of airline businesses.
  In 2014, the passenger throughput of Baihai’s Fucheng Airport exceeded one million. Two years later, this amount stood at approximately 1.23 million, a year-on-year increase of 14.4 percent; moreover, the cargo throughput increased to roughly 4,655 tons, representing 13.4-percent growth.
  An exceptional airline market
  The passenger throughput of Fucheng Airport continues to rise annually since its official operation in March 1987; however, it was on a sharp decrease because of adverse impacts caused by China’s domestic airlines’ strategic adjustments, particularly in 2007.
  To address this tough issue, a work leading group was set up for the development of Beihai’s airline market in 2007, followed by a special fund for airline routes such as newly-increased international ones, domestic main ones, etc.
  As of now, there are a total of 12 direct-flight airlines gaining access to Fucheng Airport, with 20 airlines routes, 25 navigation terminals, 250 flights in a week and 5,098 seats available per day.
  Booming local tourism
  Currently, Beihai has been recognized as an ideal destination by tourists who often hibernate to Southern China. Fucheng Airport’s airline routes have covered three provinces in the northeast of China, namely Heihongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, as well as provinces in the east. According to Okay Airways Co., Ltd., a Chinese civil airline, the attendance of each of its direct flights from Tianjin to Beihai is higher than 90 percent, which is almost the same to the ones from Beihai to other northern cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang.
  For instance, a Cantonese businessperson named Lin Zhenwei said that he had benefited a lot from the booming industry, when talking about conveniences brought by the development of Beihai’s airline industry. In 2010, by virtue of the bonded logistics provided by Beihai Export Processing Zone, he was the first one who got involved in the import of high-end wines in Guangxi. Now, his company has evolved into the largest one of its kind.
  In addition, Beihai has opened or increased the flights from Beihai to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Hangzhou, etc., which are major cities in the Pearl River Delta or the Yangtze River Delta. By doing so, marked progress has been made in the flow of personnel, logistics and capital, attracting more large-scale scientific and technological enterprises to set up their branches there. At present, electronic information industry has developed into the largest one among industries in Beihai.   A new normal development
  China’s economy has entered a new normal: The economic growth of China’s eastern area slows down, but a sharp rise of the western area is becoming evident, particularly in GBGEZ. Given this, Chinese airlines, especially small- and medium-sized ones, make the airports in western China their top priority.
  Mr. Liu Ande, general manager of China Southern Airlines (Guangxi Branch), announced that their division of business in Beihai had been upgraded as a base on December 27, 2016, improving flight services, management and so on. Taking the construction project as an opportunity, Fucheng Airport is committed to enhancing its transport capacity and making use of airport-oriented resources in its surrounding areas. All this will make the airport more competitive in transport of passengers and cargos, and will advance the building of both the Belt and Road and GBGEZ.
  Furthermore, GBGEZ shares the border with the ASEAN region geographically, so efforts are being made to increase the international flights to ASEAN countries. For example, the flight from Beihai to Bangkok began to be available on November 2, 2016. It is said that Fucheng Airport is striving to open more Haerbin-Beihai-Bangkok flights, and to make the Changchun-Beihai-Siem Reap flight accessible.
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2017年1月12~18日,中国—东盟博览会秘书处秘书长王雷率领工作组访问了2017年东盟轮值主席国菲律宾以及第14届中国—东盟博览会主题国文莱,并与其相关政府官员举办联席会议,共同商讨第14届东博会筹办的相关事宜,拉开了2017年第14届东博会预热的序幕。  菲律宾:借力东博会推动中菲经贸合作再“升温”  关于中菲关系,在2016年里最突出且令人难忘的莫过于菲律宾总统杜特尔特在10月的历史性访华
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