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一、整编机关部队整编组织,紧缩人员,应从下列三方面进行:(一)京沪杭各大城市:1 裁并旧机关——我接收之军政机关及企业团体,应即视情分别裁并:今后建设所必需者予以调整保留;必须保留之机关而人浮于事者缩减;业务内容相同性质相同者合并;与目前需要及今后建设无关者裁撤;应归中央直接管辖者须请示中央处理。对上项裁并措置,应由各接管单位提出意见,经华东局审查请示中央批准后执行。2 处理旧员工——应分别对象,讲清道理,指明出路,郑重负责处理,争取和改造大批旧人员为人民服务。对被裁减及遣散之人员,必须事先拟妥安置计划,以免流离失所。对旧员工处理,应防止一切不负责任一脚踢开的偏向。大致可分下列五类处理:(一)具备专门技术及工作 1. The reorganization and organization of the reorganization and integration units should be carried out in the following three aspects: (1) Major cities in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou: a) Dispute and old organs - The military and government organs and business groups that I receive should be dismissed as appropriate : Those who are in need of future construction will be subject to adjustment and reservation; those organs that must be retained shall be reduced; those with the same nature of business shall be merged; those that are in the same nature and need to be abolished for future construction should be abolished; The disposition and disposition of the above item shall be submitted to the accepting units for comments, after examination by the East China Bureau for the approval of the Central Government for approval. 2 Deal with the old employees - should be separate objects, clarify reasoning, indicate the way out, solemnly responsible for handling, strive for and transform a large number of old people to serve the people. For those who have been laid off and laid off, plans must be made in advance to prevent displacement. The old staff should be handled, should prevent all irresponsible kick kicked off the bias. Can be roughly divided into the following five categories: (a) with specialized skills and work
目的:建立RMP(RPB5-Mediating Protein)基因干扰的稳定细胞株,研究RMP基因干扰对正常肝细胞及其肝癌细胞周期的影响。方法:构建RMP基因的短发卡RNA(short-hairpin RNA,shRNA)