
来源 :现代商检科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:papalong2009
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出口产品质量许可制度与国际标准化黄喻勍(江西商检局)生活中人们接触各种各样的商品,有国产的、有进口的,就商品品质而言,有优质的、有低劣的。商品在人的生活中无处不在,无时不有。商品是产品进入流通领域后的产物,人们对商品质量等级、品质优劣的认识也由表及里... Export Product Quality Licensing System and International Standardization Huang Yuxuan (Jiangxi Commodity Inspection Bureau) has exposed people to a wide range of goods in its life. There are domestic and imported products. In terms of product quality, there are high quality and low quality products. Commodities are everywhere in people’s lives, and they are always present. Commodity is the product after the product enters the circulation field. People’s understanding of the quality level of the product and the quality of the product are also shown in the table...
Throughout the ages there has been a fascination(n. 魅力) with Jew. People have questioned the “miracle of the continual existence of the Jewish people” — after their suffering of constant persecution(n
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.All claimed that they were the best, the most important,the most useful,the most beautiful, the favo
同学们,英语跟汉语一样字义丰富,切不可千篇一律照字面直说意思,在学习时要多多留意哟!dead president美元(不是“去世了的总统”) Students, English is just as rich in C
一、MOU的起源、内容及目前各国实行的情况 当前,跨国毒品走私贩运情况日趋严重,对世界各国的经济和社会稳定产生了极大的影响和危害。如何将这一国际上公认的“公害”通过
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