Eat healthy food

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hasolao
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  When different kinds of food are around us today, we usually eat what we like, which is always the “junk food” in our parents’ eyes. Our parents always wish us to eat healthy food. It’s an age of eating, but how to choose the food that is both healthy and delicious? Here are several tips for you.
  Make your own food
  If you make yourself busy in planning meals, going shopping, and preparing food, you will become interested in the process and more likely to eat. Even though you are too young to make food lists, it’s an excellent way to get interested in healthy cooking and eating.
  Go to the source
  Do you know where your food comes from? Ask your parents or teachers to take you to a local farmer’s market (or to the farm itself) and meet the people who grow the food. Picking berries on the farm can help have a lifelong love of good eating and environmental habit. Visiting a farm can help you learn where the milk comes from (and why we should care about what goes in it). Planting tomatoes and melons in the garden may let us try the fruits of our work.
  Drink to that
  Remember not to just eat some fruits and vegetables a day, you can also drink them. Mixed fruit drinks like watermelon and mango lassi can be a fun way to enjoy new fruits.
  source n. 來源
  berries n. 浆果类 (berry的复数形式)
  melon n. 瓜类植物
  lassi n. 奶昔
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