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“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠……”一首千古绝唱,中华儿女世代吟颂。可在20世纪末的今天,武汉的某些决策者竟然将巍峨于武汉蛇山头的世界名楼——名胜黄鹤楼实行“重组”给一家公司,并将她和这新“婆家”一起捆绑上市,从此不仅“黄鹤一去不复返”,黄鹤楼也似白云空悠悠。近几年来,在股份制改造的过程中,一些聪明的决策者发现了一个极好聚财的“点子”:利用手中的权力,打着国有的旗号,借改革之名,行政企不分、转移国家资财之实,将历史名胜、古迹国宝以股份化的名义,统统装进企业的荷包里。占有了这些人类共有遗产不算,还要加上一道美丽的光环——以企业行为保护或重现×××景观。正如经济学家肖灼基说:“现在很多地方把上市作为企业解困的办法”,“一些素质很次的企业,也包装一下,想办法搭配上市,这种状况是值得忧虑的”。将收益可观的景区同一些企业捆绑上市,明显地是从这些弱势企业利益出发,拿国家优势的资源来填补企业经营不善的漏洞。究竟谁是始作俑者并不重要,问题的严重性在于此风不但已然刮起,波及全国,而且相互攀比,若无有关法规限制并采取有力措施加以制止,气候成时将积重难返。 “The past people have to go to the Yellow Crane, where the Yellow Crane Tower spare time. The Yellow Crane is gone forever, the Baiyun empty long empty ... ...” A song of the ages, Singing Chung generation of Chinese children. At the end of the 20th century, some decision makers in Wuhan actually “reorganized” the famous Yellow Crane Tower in the world famous building on the snake’s hill in Wuhan to a company and bundled it with the new “in-laws” Since then, not only “Yellow Crane Gone is the Glorious,” Yellow Crane Tower is also a long empty Baiyun. In recent years, during the process of joint-stock reform, some clever decision-makers have discovered an excellent “idea” for enriching their wealth: using the power in hand, under the banner of state ownership, using the name of reform, National resources, the real estate, historic sites, monuments to the stock in the name of the country, all loaded into the business of the purse. Possession of these common heritage of mankind does not count, but also add a beautiful aura - to protect or reproduce ××× landscape. As the economist Xiao Zhuoji said: “Now many places the listing as a solution to business problems,” “a number of quality businesses, but also packaging, find ways to match the market, this situation is worth the worry.” The scenic area with a considerable amount of bundled listed companies, apparently from the interests of these disadvantaged enterprises, take advantage of state resources to fill the loopholes in business management. The question of who is the initiator is not important. The seriousness of the problem lies in the fact that the wind has not only blown up and spread across the country, but also comparisons with each other. Without relevant laws and regulations and vigorous measures to stop it, the climate will become increasingly difficult to return to.
AIM:To evaluate lipid profile in children with coronary artery disease(CAD)in Hyderabad,Sindh,Pakistan.METHODS:The study included 100 children(6-15years),of whi
<正> 位于云贵高原西部,苍山南麓,洱海之滨的大理,是我国二十四座历史文化名城之一。早在公元前109年,汉武帝在此地始设叶榆县,公元8世纪至13世纪称南诏、大理。早年大理曾是云南政治经济文化中心,也是我国同东南亚各国经济文化交流的重要门户。大理现存的南诏太和城遗址,崇圣寺三
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近年来我们对糖尿病周围神经及血管病变的患者,在控制血糖、控制饮食基础上,予以综合外治方法治疗,取得较好效果,现介绍如下。1 临床资料全部220例均为1984年~1994年间本院收
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