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9月6日至9月12日,11个国家和地区的150余位专家学者云集河南省洛阳市,参加“龙门石窟1500周年庆典暨国际学术讨论会”。龙门石窟开凿于北魏太和十七年(公元493年),为中国三大石刻艺术宝库之一。现存窟龛2345个,造像10余万尊,碑刻题记2860余块。在漫长的历史岁月中,龙门石窟经受到自然浸蚀和人为的破坏。1953年中央文化部批准成立了“龙门石窟文物保管所“(今名“龙门石窟研究所”)。1961年,国务院将龙门石窟列为首批全国重点文物保护单位。几十年来,在龙门石窟研究所及国内外专家学者的共同努力下,龙门石窟的保护与研 From September 6 to September 12, more than 150 experts and scholars from 11 countries and regions gathered in Luoyang City, Henan Province to attend the 1500th Anniversary Celebration of Longmen Grottoes and International Symposium. Longmen Grottoes were carved in the Northern Wei Dynasty Taihe seventeen years (AD 493), one of China’s three major stone carving art treasure house. There are 2345 shrines and niches, more than 10 million statues and more than 2860 inscriptions inscriptions. In the long historical years, the Longmen Grottoes have been subjected to natural erosion and man-made destruction. In 1953, the Central Ministry of Culture approved the establishment of “Longmen Grottoes Cultural Relic” (now “Longmen Grottoes Institute”). In 1961, the State Council listed the Longmen Grottoes as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. For decades, the Longmen Grottoes Institute and the joint efforts of domestic and foreign experts and scholars, the Longmen Grottoes protection and research
Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristic of microcirculation in healthy volunteers and patients with septic shock in both Xinin
江苏省南京市夫子庙小学是全国唯一一所以“夫子”命名的百年名校,一直坚持传承孔子教育思想。近期,苏州名企在拍得“奥运缶”之后,将其中两面赠送给了夫子庙小学。在隆重 N
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