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始终把搞活国有企业摆在中心位置的中国改革,从80年代中期的承包,到前年以来提出的转换企业经营机制,国有企业的改革在放权让利的范围内做了各种各样的探索,却始终没有走出困境。全国这样,海南大特区也是如此。在拥有250户国有预算内地方工业企业中,亏损面接近40%。现实情况不容乐观,更不容等待。国有企业向何处去?海南从1992年起开始试行企业产权转让改革。从当年出售五指山宾馆起步到去年底,海南已对4家企业实行了整体产权转让,现已初见成效。不仅还清了这些资不抵债企业的债务,而 The Chinese reforms that have always put the state-owned enterprises in the center have always made various explorations in the scope of decentralization and profit-sharing from the contracting of the mid-1980s to the conversion of the operating mechanism proposed in the previous year. Has never been out of the woods. This is the case in the country as well as in the Hainan Special Economic Zone. In local industrial enterprises with 250 state-owned budgets, the loss is close to 40%. The reality is not optimistic, let alone wait. Where did the state-owned enterprise go? Hainan began experimenting with property rights transfer reforms in 1992. From the sale of Wuzhishan Hotel that year to the end of last year, Hainan has already implemented the transfer of the entire property rights of the four companies and has achieved initial success. Not only paid off the debts of these insolvent companies, but also
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Through a case study of Shenzhen City,China,this study focused on a quantitative method for analyzing the spatial processes involved in green infrastructure cha
Contents: 1.Words and phrases:rich,king, clever,foolish,people,soft,light, beautiful,wear,make…for…2.Sentence structures:Clever people can see the clothes. Fo
有一天早晨,女儿正要去上学的时候,突然对我说:“妈妈,我们班的XX同学说我很丑。他还说,我死了才好了。”说完后,伤心地哭起来了。我连忙过去安慰 One morning when my daug