樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica)在中国北方10省(区)引种的适宜性

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樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica)是中国北方常见的针叶乔木,也是沙区人工造林的重要树种。近年来,樟子松在部分地区出现衰退现象,引起学者和公众的广泛关注。为了确定樟子松在中国北方引种的适宜区,通过主成分分析法确定影响樟子松引种的主要气候因子;基于气候相似理论,以呼伦贝尔沙地红花尔基樟子松国家森林公园为固定样本区,采用熵权法确定各气候因子熵权,并计算加权气候相似距,再综合考虑加权气候相似距和土地资源环境因子,划分引种区类型。结果表明:(1)温度是影响樟子松引种的主导气候因子,其次是湿度、光照与海拔,风速对樟子松引种的影响相对较小;(2)将樟子松引种区划分为适宜区、较适宜区、较不适宜区和不适宜区等4个类型区,引种类型区与中国气候区区划存在显著一致性(Kappa=0.7494);(3)樟子松引种的适宜区主要分布在寒温带湿润大区(ⅠA)、中温带湿润大区(ⅡA)和中温带亚湿润大区(ⅡB),较适宜区主要处于中温带亚干旱地区(ⅡC)和部分中温带湿润大区(ⅡA),较不适宜区主要位于暖温带亚湿润大区(ⅢB)、暖温带干旱大区(ⅢC)和高原地区,不适宜区主要处于中温带干旱大区(ⅡD)、中温带极干旱大区(ⅡE)暖温带极干旱大区(ⅢD)和北亚热带湿润大区(ⅣA)。 Pinus sylvestris var. Mongholica is a common coniferous tree in northern China and is also an important species for artificial afforestation in sandy areas. In recent years, Pinus sylvestris appears recession in some areas, causing widespread concern of scholars and the public. In order to determine the suitable area for the introduction of Pinus sylvestris var.Mongolica in northern China, the main climatic factors affecting the introduction of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica were determined by principal component analysis. Based on the climatic similarity theory, the Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica forest in Hulunbeier Sandy Land In the sample area, the entropy weight method is used to determine the entropy of each climatic factor, and the weighted climatic similarity is calculated. Then, the weighted climatic similarity distance and the environmental resource of land resources are taken into account and the types of the introductory area are divided. The results showed that: (1) temperature was the dominant climatic factor affecting the introduction of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica, followed by humidity, light and altitude, the wind speed had less influence on the introduction of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica; (2) (Kappa = 0.7494). (3) The main suitable area for the introduction of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica is the distribution area of ​​the introduction type and the climatic zone of China. In the temperate humid zone (ⅠA), mid-temperate humid zone (ⅡA) and mid-temperate sub-humid zone (ⅡB), the more suitable zones are mainly in the mid-temperate sub-arid region (ⅡC) and part of the temperate humid zone ⅡA). The less suitable areas were mainly located in the warm temperate sub-humid area (ⅢB), the warm temperate arid area (ⅢC) and the plateau area, but the unfit areas were mainly in the moderate temperate arid area (ⅡD), moderately temperate extremely arid Zone (ⅡE) is a very warm and temperate arid region (ⅢD) and a subtropical humid region (ⅣA).
1 前言在铝合金型材的挤压生产中,建筑、装饰型材占有很大的比例。尤其是近年来发展起来的装饰、装璜材料—美格铝网,在国内外市场上十分畅销。这种美格铝网经济、耐腐蚀、耐
<正> 发电、重化学工业设备等正向大型化、高效率化方向发展。因此,作为其原料使用的锻件也大型化了。锻件用来加工机械或装置的重要部件,所以一般来说要求高度的均质性、内