
来源 :国外医学.临床生物化学与检验学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wufeng727
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以往研究表明,有乳腺癌家族史的人易患此病。引起乳腺癌的高发因素与受累亲属的人数、受累程度有关。此高发因素可能是一种内分泌因子。若鉴定出此种因子,即可了解内分泌与乳腺癌的关系。有人曾发现某些乳腺癌高发者血浆雌二醇和催乳素有一时性升高。本文作者报告:有阳性家族史的乳腺癌高发青年妇女尿中雌激素含量与对照者显著不同,证明乳腺癌高发妇女与低发者之间存在着内分泌差别,此种差别可能就是引起乳腺癌高发的原因。作者严格挑选30名乳腺癌高发妇女为实验者(实验组),另选30名乳腺癌低发妇女为对照者(对照组)。除体重外,两组在身长、年龄、首孕年龄、初潮年龄及胎次等变数方面相一致,而体重并非乳腺癌高发因素。在月经周期内逐日收集尿样品(12小时), Previous studies have shown that people with a family history of breast cancer are susceptible to the disease. The high incidence of breast cancer is related to the number of affected relatives and the degree of involvement. This high risk factor may be an endocrine factor. If you identify this factor, you can understand the relationship between endocrine and breast cancer. It has been found that plasma estradiol and prolactin are elevated temporarily in certain breast cancer high-risk individuals. The authors of this article report that the estrogen levels in the urine of young women with high positive breast cancer who have a positive family history are significantly different from those in controls. This suggests that there is an endocrine difference between high- and low-incidence breast cancers. This difference may be caused by high breast cancer. s reason. The author rigorously selected 30 women with high-risk breast cancer as experimental subjects (experimental group) and another 30 women with low-grade breast cancer as control subjects (control group). In addition to weight, the two groups were consistent in terms of height, age, first trimester age, menarche age, and parity, and weight was not a high risk factor for breast cancer. Urine samples were collected daily during the menstrual cycle (12 hours),
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