Two-dimensional simulation on the rolling process of semi-solid 60Si2Mn by finite element method

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsz520
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The effect of various process variables on the law of metal flow for semi-solid rolling 60Si2Mn was studied by finite element method. Semi-solid 60Si2Mn can be described as compressible rigid visco-plastic porous material saturated with liquid. In terms of ther-mo-mechanical coupling condition, the distributions of stress, velocity and temperature were studied using software MARC. The simulation results show that the rigid visco-plastic model can accurately describe the semi-solid 60Si2Mn rolling process. The great deformation can achieve completely in view of low flow stress of semi-solid slurry. The effect of various process variables on the law of metal flow for semi-solid rolling 60Si2Mn was studied by finite element method. Semi-solid 60Si2Mn can be described as compressible rigid visco-plastic porous material saturated with liquid. The mechanical results show that the rigid visco-plastic model can accurately describe the semi-solid 60Si2Mn rolling process. The great deformation can achieve completely in view of low flow stress of semi-solid slurry.
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