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甲状旁腺腺瘤或增生的摘除术和甲状腺次全切除术等,均要熟悉甲状旁腺的位置。在100例颈部标本中共发现319个甲状旁腺,平均每例3.19个。80%的甲状旁腺位于正常的较为隐蔽的位置,即上一对位于甲状腺侧叶后缘中点以上到上1/4与下3/4交界处;下一对位于甲状腺侧叶后缘的下1/3段。它们都在甲状腺固有囊与筋膜鞘之间。甲状腺次全切除一般是保留侧叶后部,这是保护甲状旁腺、防止损伤喉返神经的有效措施,更重要的是要严格紧靠甲状腺固有囊清理并完整保留固有囊外、侧叶上下端附近的脂肪组织和疏松结缔组织,这对占16%的变异位置的甲状旁腺免遭切除更有保证。即使是甲状腺侧叶全部切除,同此处理,也可保存甲状旁腺。甲状旁腺腺瘤或增生的摘除术要广泛探查,但应首先在甲状腺侧叶下端附近及其下方的气管两旁探查下一对甲状旁腺的情况,因为下一对甲状旁腺有的恰好是位于甲状腺侧叶下端;位于侧叶下端下方气管两旁者占4%。 Parathyroid adenoma or hyperplasia and subtotal thyroidectomy, etc., should be familiar with the location of parathyroid. A total of 319 parathyroid glands were found in 100 cervical specimens, with an average of 3.19 per case. 80% of the parathyroid glands in the normal position of the more subtle, that is, a pair of thyroid in front of the posterior edge of the midpoint to the upper 1/4 and the next 3/4 junction; Next 1/3 section. They are between the thyroid sac and fascia sheath. Subtotal thyroidectomy is generally reserved for the posterior lobe, which is an effective measure to protect the parathyroid gland from damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. More importantly, the thyroid gland sac should be closely followed and the intact sac retains intact. Adipose tissue and loose connective tissue near the end of the parathyroid gland are more promising for the removal of the parathyroid gland, which accounts for 16% of the total. Even if the thyroid gland lateral all resection, with this treatment, but also save the parathyroid. Parathyroid adenoma or hyperplasia of the enucleation should be widely probed, but should be first in the vicinity of the lower lobe of the thyroid and the trachea next to explore the next pair of parathyroid situation, because the next pair of parathyroid some just happen to be Located in the thyroid gland lateral lobe; below the lower end of the lateral lobes of the trachea accounted for 4%.
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