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阅读朋友们的来稿,我发现有两种情况应注意避免。一是过多的对画面的描述。既然是挖掘漫画内在的东西,那么你停留在表面的描述上就显得多余了。平时我们讲,文章要重点突出,无关宏旨之处不要着墨太多,说的就是这个道理。二是虽然辞藻华丽,但却言之无物。同学们写作文往往追求语言的优美,这一点是应该肯定的;但如果一篇文章仅仅只有优美的语言,这就好比穿上华服的石头还叫石头,谈不上什么生命的生动与美丽。其实,你只要抓住一点真实的感想,用平实的语言把它说透就行了。本期我们所选登的几篇文章,《荣誉》一文角度独特,言之有理。《回首是为了更好地前进》与《前进不忘回首》虽然都是写对过去的总结,但二者的侧重点还是有所区别的:前者侧重于回首的必要性,即为什么要回首;后者侧重于讲我们应该回顾哪些东西。虽然说理还不够透彻,文字也略显粗糙,但他们都能清晰地表达自己的观点,有自己的思考。这一点还是值得我们学习的。文章无论长短,每写一篇都争取有一次的进步与收获。只有这样,我们的作文水平才能逐渐提高。“漫画品读”愿为你的作文进步助一臂之力! .典子. Reading my friends’ contributions, I found that there are two situations that should be avoided. One is the excessive description of the picture. Since it is to dig out the inner things of the comics, then you stay on the surface of the description is superfluous. In peacetime, we say that the article should be focused, and there should be no inkling of the implications of the article. This is the truth. The second is that although the rhetoric is gorgeous, nothing is said. The students’ writing style often pursues the beauty of language. This should be affirmed; but if an article only has a beautiful language, it is like a stone that is dressed in a Chinese suit, and it is also called a stone. There is no vivid and beautiful life. . In fact, you only need to grasp the true feelings and speak it plainly. In the articles we selected for this issue, the article “Honors” has a unique perspective and makes sense. “Recalling is for better progress” and “Forging ahead” are both written conclusions about the past, but the focus of the two is different: the former focuses on the necessity of looking back, that is, why you must look back; The latter focuses on what we should review. Although the reasoning is not thorough enough and the text is slightly rough, they all can clearly express their opinions and have their own thoughts. This point is still worth our study. Regardless of the length of the article, every article is written for a time of progress and gain. Only in this way can we gradually improve our compositional level. “Cartoon Reading” is willing to help your composition progress!
"猴子捞月"已是个老掉牙的故事,妇孺皆知。可眼前的这幅漫画却旧瓶装新酒,为我们增添了新的笑容,新的营养。  一群"胖猴"岂止是笑容可掬,简直是笑歪了嘴,他们认为自己要摘的月亮才是实实在在的,而讥笑那一长串瘦猴水中捞月的滑稽,愚蠢无知。殊不知,笑人也是笑自己。"天上一个月亮,水里一个月亮",同样都是不可摘捞到手的。"胖猴"的摘月与瘦猴的捞月,最终都是可望而不可即,都将枉费精气神儿。胖猴们的笑只能说是
3月25日,钟祥市委、市政府召开全市档案工 作会议。参加会议的有:市委常委、副市长张尚贵,市人大副主任魏云成,市政协副主席陈维朝,以及各乡镇场库、市直部委办局分管机关工