Asd是Windows自带的一个小工具,能够帮你在启动时自动跳过一部分能够导致系统崩溃的驱动程序。在“开始”菜单中单击“运行”,在打开后的路径中输入Asd,就可以启动该程序。 如果程序运行后告诉你“这台机器尚未出现严重的Asd操作失败”。那么祝贺你,你把机器管理得不错。相反,如果你的驱动程序有问题的话,Asd则会弹出一个窗口,列出所有启动失败的设备或操作(如图)。比如在我的机器上,Asd就列出了一个驱动程序,有可能导致我的系统崩溃。此时,在该程序前面的复选框中打上勾,再点击“确定”,就可以在下次启动时将该驱动程序屏蔽掉。同样,可以使用Asd启用先前由Asd禁用的任何设备,而且Windows在下次启动时将尝试使用该设备。如果失败,计算
Asd is a gadget that comes with Windows that will automatically skip some of the drivers that cause the system to crash on startup. In the “Start” menu, click “Run” in the open path, enter Asd, you can start the program. If the program is running tell you “This machine has not yet failed a serious Asd operation failed.” Well, congratulations, you managed the machine well. Conversely, if your driver has a problem, Asd will pop up a window listing all the devices or operations that failed to start up (pictured). For example, on my machine, Asd lists a driver that may cause my system to crash. At this point, tick the check box in front of the program, and then click “OK”, you can shield the driver the next time you start. Similarly, you can use Asd to enable any device previously disabled by Asd, and Windows will attempt to use the device the next time it starts. If it fails, calculate