
来源 :高校招生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w_wangjing
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编辑心声:更好地为考生服务、更多地为考生提供切实有用的内容,这是我们一直孜孜以求的。届此,从上期起我们推出了“作文话题”栏目。我们是怀着激动的心情编完这期稿子的:因为那些四面八方扑面而来的稿子,所体现的思考的力度、知识的广度、文笔的风生水起……实在太出乎我们的意料!有什么回馈比这夺目的愉悦更让我们愉悦?有什么意外的惊喜更让我们惊喜?相比漫长的人生,高考只是一个新起点,一次新检阅。伴之而来的是你的成长、成熟。那么,这块园地,将是你的预演——来吧,笔浇块垒,舒胸中抱负,纸画蓝图,展不凡才华!他山之石,可以攻玉。我们对原稿不作修改,只在可供推敲处加下划线并提出建议(括号内的文字),供大家来观摩、切磋,以便对文章更好地炼意、炼词、炼句。 Editor’s voice: It is our constant pursuit to better serve candidates and provide them with practical and useful content. From then on, we have launched the “Topics of Composition” section since the last issue. We compiled this manuscript with excitement: Because the manuscripts that come from all directions, the intensity of reflection, the breadth of knowledge, and the literacy of the writings... are beyond our expectations! What is more rewarding than this eye-catching pleasure makes us happy? What surprise surprises us even more surprised? Compared to a long life, the college entrance examination is just a new starting point, a new review. Accompanied by your growth, maturity. Then, this field will be your rehearsal - come on, write a block, comfort your chest, draw a blueprint, show extraordinary talent! The stones of his mountains can be used to attack jade. We do not make any changes to the manuscript. We only underline and make suggestions (text in parentheses) where it can be used for discussion, so that we can better scrutinise, revise, and refine the sentence.