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深圳动漫产业发展已初具规模。面对机遇与挑战,深圳动漫产业需借鉴国外动漫发展的全球化思维,立足于我国现实环境和深圳本土的基础与优势,不断提升动漫产业原创力,提升国际竞争力。因此,深圳动漫产业需提升动漫产品题材内容的原创力、形式类型的原创力、动漫形象品牌的原创力、文化与科技相结合的原创力、动漫企业运营模式的原创力和加强动漫原创人才的培养与吸引。 Shenzhen animation industry has begun to take shape. Faced with opportunities and challenges, the animation industry in Shenzhen needs to draw on the global thinking of the development of foreign animation industry. Based on the actual conditions in China and the local foundation and advantages of Shenzhen, the animation industry in Shenzhen continuously improves the originality of the animation industry and enhances its international competitiveness. Therefore, the animation industry in Shenzhen need to enhance the originality of the theme content of the animation products, the formal type of original power, the original power of the animation image brand, the original force of combining culture and technology, the original force of the animation enterprise operation mode and the enhancement of the original animation talent Cultivate and attract.
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沉默是金,无声胜有声。  年岁一天一天渐长,话一天天减少。像一口在光阴中老去的古井,没了河流的湍急,没了飞瀑的喧哗,就这么幽幽静静的,无波,无澜,亦无声。  许多个日子的傍晚,我们一家人是这样度过的:书房里,丈夫挥笔作画,丫头写家庭作业,我看看书或写写字,三个人均沉默着,相对无言。偶尔,互相看一眼,然后继续沉默,各做各的事。在这种无言的氛围里,时间如流水般悄然滑过,宁静温馨的感觉悄然萦绕心头,像有
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每天清晨,苗宏都要到家对面的那所著名园林——淮海战役烈士纪念塔园林去展练,尽管经常在夜晚挑灯夜战,她仍始终坚持这个习惯。  巍巍淮塔,清清湖水,让她心思沉静而振奋。沿湖跑上两圈,做几个深呼吸,舒展开浑身的筋骨,她便神清气爽地走出了这片园林。从门口乘上班车,沿途风光如画,徐州市铜山县检察院就坐落在这片新兴的重镇 铜山新区。  这天,她刚走下班车,没想到我已在这里等候,她一脸惊奇。  “我就是想看看
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