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畜禽养殖过程中,部分基层兽医和养殖户误认为人用药比兽用药品种多、制作精细,给畜禽治病效果要好些,这种观点是错误的!虽然人、兽用药都是用来治疗疾病的,但其针对的治疗对象不同,药理和毒性也就有本质的区别。若将人药用于畜禽,不但在治疗上很难把握剂量和达到控制疫病的目的,还会使畜禽出现种种不良反应。然而,有些基层兽医和养殖户罔顾国家法律法规的相关规定,将人药用于畜禽,引起大批畜禽死亡,给养殖户造成极大的经济损失,同时对人体健康也造成了一定的威胁。1案由经过2013年3月中旬,十堰市郊区一养鸡户报称使用某公司技术员王某提供的药物后,致大批鸡只死亡,要求动物监督部门派技术执法人员进行鉴定和处理。十堰市动物卫生监督所执法人员立即赶到现场,查看鸡舍,并了解到该养殖户饲养了10 400只 During the process of livestock and poultry breeding, some grassroots veterinarians and farmer mistakenly believe that human medicine is more than that of veterinary drugs, and is finely made to give better treatment effects to livestock and poultry. This view is wrong. Although human and veterinary drugs are used Treatment of disease, but its treatment for different objects, there is an essential difference between pharmacology and toxicity. If the human medicine for livestock and poultry, not only difficult to grasp the dose and treatment to achieve the purpose of controlling the disease, but also make livestock appear all kinds of adverse reactions. However, some grassroots veterinarians and farmers neglect the relevant provisions of national laws and regulations to apply human medicine to livestock and poultry, cause a large number of livestock and poultry to die, cause great economic losses to farmers, and pose a threat to human health as well . 1 Case After the mid-March 2013, a chicken farmer in the suburbs of Shiyan City reported using the drugs provided by Wang Technician of a certain company, a large number of chickens were killed and the animal supervision department was asked to send technical law enforcement officers to conduct the appraisal and handling. Shiyan City, animal health supervision by law enforcement officers rushed to the scene, check the hen house, and learned that the farmer raised 10 400
【摘 要】本文讨论了第三方支付的原理和实践应用过程中出现的套现的问题,笔者认为套现行为对银行的正常经营带来了较大的压力,并对如何解决套现问题提出了一些建议。  【关键词】第三方支付; 套现  中图分类号:TP3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-8283(2009)01-0049-02    1 第三方支付理论基础    1.1 第三方支付概念  所谓第三方支付,就是一些和国内外各大银行签约、并