
来源 :油气田地面工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idea0315
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集中注水工艺将注水站建在联合站或转油站内,站外系统均为高压管网,源水经过配水阀组调节分配后输至注水井口、集中注水工艺中,注水泵排量大,数量少并集中建设,所带井数多(一般在20 口以上)。分散注水工艺将水质处理部分建在转油站内,转油站至注配站之间采用低压供水,注配站则采用高压注水管线将源水输至注水井口。分散注水工艺中,注水泵排量小,数量多,分散建设。开发面积较大,注水井公布集中的新建产能区块,应采用集中注水工艺,零散井及扩边井工程则应用分散注水工艺。 Concentrated water injection process will be built at the joint station or transfer station filling stations outside the station system are high pressure pipe network, the source water through the water distribution valve group assigned to the injection wellhead after adjustment, focus on water injection process, injection pump displacement, the number of Less and focus on construction, with the number of well (usually more than 20). Dispersed water injection process will be part of the water quality built in the conversion station, transfer stations to the injection station using low pressure water supply, injection stations are used to high-pressure water injection pipeline to the source of water injection wellhead. Dispersed water injection process, injection pump displacement is small, the number of decentralized construction. Development of large area, well announced focus on the new production capacity of the block should be used to focus on water injection technology, scattered wells and expansion wells project is the application of distributed water injection process.
ymbolic circuit simulator is traditionally applied to the small-signal analysis of analog circuits.This paper establishes a symbolic behavioral macromodeling me
钛基金属玻璃不仅密度小,而且具有优良的耐腐蚀性能,因此成为质轻、高强、生物相容结构材料的重要候选材料。钛基大块金属玻璃中弥 Titanium-based metallic glass not only
1 初生雏的技术处雏鸡孵出24h内进行雌雄鉴别,注射马力克氏病疫苗2 初生雏的选从外观上要选择光亮、整齐、大小一致、初生重符合品种要求的雏鸡.检查腹部应柔软,脐部愈合完全
The stability of the drive current is very important for a laser driver,while it is difficult to maintain the current stable at a high value for the laser drive