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杰瑞6岁了,我在考虑让他学一件什么乐器。一个偶然的机会,我带他观看了一场中学生管弦乐队演奏。杰瑞很感兴趣,眼中充满了羡慕,安安静静地从演奏会开始一直坚持到演出结束。我问他:“如果是你来演出,你愿意选择什么乐器?”儿子脱口而出——“小提琴”。“可是你幼儿园的小朋友? Jerry is 6 years old, and I’m thinking about what kind of musical instrument he should learn. By chance, I took him to watch a secondary school orchestra playing. Jerry is very interested in eyes full of envy, quietly from the beginning of the concert has been insisted to the end of the show. I asked him: “If you are to perform, what instruments are you willing to choose?” Son blurted out - “violin.” "But your kindergarten children?
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I would like to talk about my most meaningful afternoon here—the afternoon of Nov.13, the day which all the ninth graders went to the training camp.  The thing that makes the afternoon extremely meani
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从小政府——大社会到小政府——大社区 北京市委书记刘淇最近在基层街道调研时提出一个新观点,即让更多的政府职能转到社会服务组织身上,由市场来配置。刘淇指出,要进一步
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CD4 0 /CD4 0L相互作用在T细胞活化过程中扮演了十分重要的角色 ,参与了体内许多重要的生理和病理过程。本实验在建立了稳定表达CD4 0 Ig的CHO工程细胞株的基础上 ,对CHO工
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