Differences in functional magnetic resonance imaging following cutaneous and routine acupuncture at

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanranran
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Few studies have examined the effects of different stimuli at a single acupoint using functional magnetic resonance imaging.The present study applied acupuncture at the Neiguan (PC 6),Waiguan (SJ 5),Zhigou (SJ 6) and Yanglingquan (GB 34) acupoints in healthy volunteers.fMRI was used to examine the activation of brain areas in response to different types of acupuncture (cutaneous or routine acupuncture) at each acupoint.There were no significant differences in the distribution of activation in the regions of interest between cutaneous and routine acupuncture at the Neiguan,Waiguan,and Zhigou acupoints,but some differences were observed between the two methods of acupuncture at the Yanglingquan acupoint.There were no significant differences in the intensity of induced activation between cutaneous and routine acupuncture at the Neiguan,Zhigou and Yanglingquan acupoints,but the activation intensity in the right cerebellum induced by routine acupuncture at the Waiguan acupoint was greater than that induced by cutaneous acupuncture.Results confirmed that cutaneous and routine acupuncture at the Neiguan,Waiguan,Zhigou and Yanglingquan acupoints activated different functional brain areas,and caused activation of different intensities in some areas.
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