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随着东南亚艺术品愈来愈受收藏家青睐,苏富比今年首度将“现代及当代东南亚艺术拍卖”移师香港举行,推出新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国等地的艺术品拍卖。印尼的艺术家如Jumaldi Alfi、Putu Sutawijaya等大多以测价的三倍售出,是东南亚艺术市场的新贵……倘若我们将视线暂时飘离拍卖厅,重回孕育这群艺术家的热带群岛.你会发现印尼艺术家都有一个共通点——喜欢赤脚进出工作室。他每走一步,脚下的茧愈见丰厚,愈能真切感受阳光照在地上的温暖。茧,象征面对社会顺逆的一道保护网,使艺术家坦然无惧走下去:地上的炽热.提醒他们为眼下的阳光、空气、花卉、煤矿工业、海啸、贪污、历史伤痕而创作。这群三十余岁的年轻印尼艺术家早前来港出席《Indonesian Invasion》展览时,除带来了共100件绘画及装置作品外。还呈现了印尼艺术中一份坦诚、还没被污染的情怀。 As Southeast Asian art is increasingly favored by collectors, Sotheby’s is the first to bring “Contemporary and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art Auctions” to Hong Kong this year for the launch of art auctions in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Indonesian artists such as Jumaldi Alfi and Putu Sutawijaya, mostly sold at three times the asking price, are upstarts in the Southeast Asian art market ... If we look away from the auction room for a while back to the tropical archipelago that nurtured these artists, Discover Indonesian artists all have one thing in common - like barefoot out of the studio. Every step he takes, the more abundant the cocoon at his feet, the more he can really feel the warmth of the sun on the ground. The cocoon, symbolizing the protection of the social order, protects the net, leaving the artist calmly going: the glow of the earth remind them of the sun, the air, the flowers, the coal industry, the tsunami, corruption and the scars of history. When the group of young Indonesian artists in their 30s came to Hong Kong earlier to attend the “Indonesian Invasion” exhibition, they brought together a total of 100 paintings and installations. It also presents a frank, untainted feeling in Indonesian art.
目的研究大肠癌肝转移射频消融(RFA)治疗近期局部疗效和不良反应。方法大肠癌肝转移患者32例,病灶总数71个,其中直径小于4.0 cm的病灶41个,4.1~5.0 cm者14个,5.1~6.0 cm者9个
当第十二届中国艺术博览会徐徐拉开帷幕之际,一个由女性组成的团队渐渐走人人们视线——这就是被誉为“美女团队”的中国艺术博览会组委会,一个青一色由女性组成的工作 As t
写不出的时候怎么办?鲁迅说: 不硬写。这是鲁迅先生的经验之谈。它流布广影响大,曾经成功解救过许多绞尽脑汁伏案劳作却又一无所获的作家和写手。只是,这写不出的时候不硬写
正在上海市城市规划展览馆展出的“激醒:中法艺术的碰撞与融合”艺术家居展不是一场歌颂过去的展览,而是一场着眼未来的展览。本次展会展出了来自中国和法国60 “Awakening
它直指现实,又要抚慰人心,重树对于生活的价值和信心——艺术的作用如此重要。 It points straight to reality, yet it reassures the mind, restoring the value and conf