Palynomorph assemblages and paleoclimate records from the Zhuanchengzi Bed of the Yixian Formation,

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fz1122
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We collected, processed, identified, and analyzed the spores and pollen samples from the Zhuanchengzi Bed of the Yixian Formation in the Yingwoshan area of western Liaoning. As a result, we confirm a palynomorph assemblage of Cicatricosisporites-Protoconiferus. The pollen was primarily from gymnosperms, dominated especially by conifer pollen. Pteridophyte spores were less common and some questionable angiosperm pollen occurred occasionally. The age of the palynomorph assemblage is dated as the late Valanginian or Hauterivian-Barremian stage, the Early Cretaceous. The study applies the concept of Palynological Vegetation based on palynological spectra and the paleoecological characteristics of palynological taxa for the first time. Palynological vegetation type, climatic zone type, and humidity type are divided quantitatively for the Zhuanchengzi Bed in the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning. We then obtained the evolutionary trends. The results showed that the overall climate was warm and humid during the deposition period of the Zhuanchengzi Bed in the Yixian Formation. Palynological vegetation types are various and include coniferous forest, deciduous broadleaf forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, grass, and shrubs. The local temperature changed from warm to much warmer and from a semi-humid to humid climate. Palynological vegetation types are always dominated by coniferous forest. The coexistence of deciduous broad-leaved forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, shrubs, grass, and some xerophytic plants indicates vertical zonation and seasonal climate change The vertical vegetation types and the warm humid climate may imply a large geomorphological contrast in the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning. We collected, processed, identified, and analyzed the spores and pollen samples from the Zhuanchengzi Bed of the Yixian Formation in the Yingwoshan area of ​​western Liaoning. As a result, we confirm a palynomorph assemblage of Cicatricosis bacteria-Protoconiferus. The pollen was initially from gymnosperms , dominated especially by conifer pollen. Pteridophyte spores were less common and some questionable angiosperm pollen occurred occasionally. The age of the palynomorph assemblage is dated as the late Valanginian or Hauterivian-Barremian stage, the Early Cretaceous. The study applies the concept of Palynological Vegetation based on palynological spectra and the paleoecological characteristics of palynological taxa for the first time. Palynological vegetation type, climatic zone type, and humidity type are divided quantitatively for the Zhuanchengzi Bed in the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning. results showed that the overall climate was war m and humid during the deposition period of the Zhuanchengzi Bed in the Yixian Formation. Palynological vegetation types are various and include coniferous forest, deciduous broadleaf forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, grass, and shrubs. The local temperature changed from warm to much warmer and from a semi-humid to humid climate. Palynological vegetation types are always dominated by coniferous forest. The coexistence of deciduous broad-leaved forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, shrubs, grass, and some xerophytic plants indicate vertical zonation and seasonal climate change The vertical vegetation types and the warm humid climate may imply a large geomorphological contrast in the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning.
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