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目的:meta分析整形美容人群中躯体变形障碍(BDD)的患病情况。方法:全面检索收集、筛选国内、外已发表的有关整形美容人群BDD患病情况的研究并进行meta分析,计算该人群中BDD患病情况。严格按照纳入及排除标准筛选文献,并参考美国卫生保健质量和研究机构(AHRQ)横断面研究质量评价量表对纳入研究进行质量评价。采用Cochrane Q检验分析各研究间的异质性,若无异质性,使用固定效应模型进行效应量的合并分析;若存在异质性,则采用随机效应模型进行效应量合并分析,通过meta回归检验异质性的可能来源,并进行亚组分析。敏感性分析检验结果的稳定性。采用漏斗图法判断是否存在发表偏倚。结果:13篇文献最终纳入meta分析,中文文献4篇,英文文献9篇,包含的总样本量为3 366例,共检出BDD 435例。13篇文献的AHRQ量表评分均≥4分。异质性检验显示,13项研究间存在高度异质性,故采用随机效应模型进行效应量合并,结果显示整形美容人群中BDD患病率为13%(95%n CI 9%~18%)。敏感性分析显示,采用该随机效应模型计算的结果是稳定可靠的。meta回归分析显示整形部位的差异是引起异质性的原因。将13篇文献按照鼻整形和其他部位整形划分为2组分别进行meta分析,鼻整形组3篇文献,其他部位整形10篇文献。结果显示,鼻整形人群中BDD的患病率为29%(95%n CI 24%~35%),其他部位整形人群中BDD的患病率为9%(95%n CI 8%~10%)。漏斗图分析显示该研究不存在发表偏倚。n 结论:整形美容人群中BDD患病率较高,尤其是寻求鼻整形的人群。整形医生在临床工作中应特别关注此类人群,并采用合适的筛查工具予以鉴别,为患者提供更科学的诊疗方案。美容整形医生在临床工作中应重视患者的心理状态评估。“,”Objective:To study the prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients with plastic and cosmetic by performing meta-analysis.Methods:We searched, collected and screened the published studies on the prevalence of BDD in population with cosmetic surgery at home and abroad, and conducted a meta-analysis to calculate the prevalence of BDD in this population. The literatures were screened strictly according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the quality of the included studies was evaluated with reference to AHRQ scale. Cochrane Q test was used to analyze the heterogeneity among the studies. If there was no heterogeneity, the fixed effect model was used for the pooled analysis of effect size. If there was heterogeneity, the random effect model was used for the pooled analysis of effect size, and the potential sources of heterogeneity were tested by meta regression, and subgroup analysis was performed. Sensitivity analysis was performed to test the stability of the result. Funnel plot was used to determine whether publication bias existed.Results:Thirteen articles were finally included in the meta-analysis, including 4 Chinese articles and 9 English articles, with a total sample size of 3 366 cases. A total of 435 cases of BDD were detected. The AHRQ scores of the 13 articles were greater or equal to 4 points. Heterogeneity test showed that there was a high degree of heterogeneity among the 13 studies, so the random effect model was used for pooled analysis of effect size. The results showed that the prevalence rate of BDD in population with plastic surgery was 13% (95% n CI 9% - 18%). Sensitivity analysis shows that the result calculated by the random effect model are stable and reliable. Meta regression analysis showed that the difference of surgical site was one of the reasons for heterogeneity. Thirteen articles were divided into two groups according to patients with rhinoplasty and plastic surgery in other parts, and meta-analysis was conducted respectively. There were 3 articles in rhinoplasty group and 10 articles in other part of the plastic surgery. The result showed that the prevalence of BDD was 29% (95%n CI 24% - 35%) in rhinoplasty group and 9% (95%n CI 8% -10%) group with plastic surgery in other parts. Funnel plot analysis showed that there was no publication bias in this study.n Conclusions:About 9% of the people with cosmetic surgery suffer from BDD, and the prevalence of BDD in the people seeking nasal plastic surgery can be as high as 29%. Plastic surgeons should pay special attention to this kind of people in clinical work, and use appropriate screening tools to identify them, so as to provide more scientific diagnosis and treatment plan for patients. Aesthetic plastic surgeons should pay attention to the evaluation of patients’ psychological state in clinical work.
目的:探讨中药熏洗方足浴干预气虚血瘀型中风后失眠患者的临床疗效及护理效果。方法:选择2018年1月-2019年6月收治的气虚血瘀型中风后失眠病人86例为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为治疗组与对照组,各43例,对照组采取常规护理干预,治疗组在常规护理干预基础上实施自制中药熏洗方足浴,14 d为1疗程。观察两组患者的睡眠质量改善情况,采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)比较两组患者护理前后的睡眠质量变化情况。结果:治疗组总有效率90.70%,对照组总有效率81.40%,两组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0
目的:通过文献数据挖掘的方法探寻针刺治疗哮喘时间因素规律.方法:根据已制定的文献检索策略检索中国知识资源总库(CNKI)、万方数据库(Wan Fang Data)、重庆维普中文科技期刊