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第三人同意搜查作为第四修正案所确立的令状原则的一项例外,对平衡保障人权与必要的执法便利这一紧张对立关系起着重要作用。因而对其理论基础与发展趋势的整合与研究具有十分重要的学理与实践意义。从理论上讲,第三人同意搜查之所以具备效力是合理性原则所赋予的,在这个制度的发展中首先以财产权的分析方法,认定第三人对搜查区域具有实质权利时其同意方为有效。随着社会的不断变化、发展,第三人的权利由拥有实质权利转变为拥有袁见权利即可。该制度对警方搜查行为的进一步放松引来社会的普遍质疑,该变化的利弊究竟如何界定,在实践中究竟又该如何来防控警方侵害权利的搜查行为?在详细论证第三人同意搜查的法理基础之上,对判决中体现的价值倾向转化进行分析后,本文认为美国现行的第三人同意搜查制度的设计并不合理,表见权利的使用极不妥当。 The third person’s consent to search as an exception to the principle of warrant established by the Fourth Amendment plays an important role in the strained relationship between the protection of human rights and the necessary law enforcement facilitation. Therefore, it has very important theoretical and practical significance to integrate and study its theoretical basis and development trend. In theory, the third party agrees that the reason why the search is effective is given by the principle of rationality. In the development of this system, firstly, by the analysis of property rights, it is determined that the third party has the substantive right to the search area when the consent party is effective. With the constant change and development of the society, the rights of the third party can change from having the substantive right to having the right to see Yuan. The system further quests for the search of the police led to widespread social questions, how to define the pros and cons of this change, in practice how to prevent the police against the rights of the search behavior? Detailed demonstration of the third party consent to search On the basis of jurisprudence, after analyzing the transformation of the value tendency reflected in the judgment, this article considers that the design of the third-party consent search system in the United States is not reasonable and the use of the right to watch is extremely inappropriate.
[摘 要]通过梳理世界著名大学历史学本科生培养模式,可以发现宽口径的培养途径、多样化的课程设置、研讨班的广泛应用、导师制的普遍推行是西方历史教学的显著特征。国外大学普遍重视史学理论与方法、挖掘地域性历史资源、强调把历史课程融入通识教育之中,这些对中国的历史教育具有借鉴意义。  [关键词]世界著名大学,历史学,本科生,培养模式  [中图分类号]K1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0457-6241(
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