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幼儿的阅读是指学前儿童凭借色彩、图像、文字并借助拼音或成人的形象讲解来理解阅读本文的一项复杂的智力活动过程。阅读是语言和思维互相作用的过程。在幼儿时期,对幼儿实施早期阅读教学可以有效地为幼儿从口语表达过渡到书面表达做好前期阅读和写作的准备工作。因此,在幼儿阶段,指导幼儿进行图书的阅读是对幼儿进行早期阅读教学的行之有效的办法之一。那么,如何才能正确地指导幼儿进行有效的早期阅读呢?一、转变教学观念,明确早期阅读教学的目标 Preschool children’s reading refers to the preschool children’s understanding of a complicated intellectual activity process of reading this article by means of colors, images and words and explaining them through the help of pinyin or adult. Reading is the process by which language and thinking interact. In early childhood, the early reading teaching for young children can effectively prepare young children for their pre-reading and writing preparation from oral expression to written expression. Therefore, guiding young children to read books during early childhood is one of the most effective ways to teach young children early reading. So, how to properly guide children to carry out effective early reading? First, change the teaching concept, a clear goal of early reading teaching
[摘 要] 班级是高校开展大学生思想政治教育的一个重要阵地。当前,高校专升本学生班级随着学生个性突出、交往方式网络化倾向、个体目标感强等使班级凝聚力建设面临更大挑战。就如何利用好现代网络媒体功能;激发学生党员、干部模范带头作用;发挥教室、宿舍的功能、制订班级目标促进班级凝聚力建设提出建议。  [关 键 词] 专升本新生;凝聚力;班级建设  [中图分类号] G647 [文献标志码] A [文章编号]
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