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环保部近日向媒体通报了新环保法及配套办法的执行情况。新环保法实施以来,环保部门充分运用按日连续处罚、查封扣押、限产停产以及移送行政拘留等手段,执法力度日益加大,同时加强与司法机关联动,积极推进两法衔接。与1-2月相比,3-4月适用按日连续处罚案件数上升515%,适用查封、扣押案件数上升125%,适用限产、停产案件数上升237%,移送行政拘留案件数上升197%,移送涉嫌环境污染犯罪案件数上升204%。在罚无上限的压力下,企业纷纷 The Ministry of Environmental Protection recently briefed the media about the implementation of the new environmental protection law and supporting measures. Since the implementation of the new Environmental Protection Law, the environmental protection departments have made full use of such measures as continuous punishment on a daily basis, seizure and seizure, limited production stoppage and transfer to administrative detention. Law enforcement efforts are being intensified day by day. At the same time, linkage with the judiciary is strengthened and the convergence of the two laws is promoted. Compared with January-February, the number of consecutive daily punishments for March-April increased by 515%, and the number of seizures and seizures increased by 125%. The number of seizure cases increased by 237% and the number of cases detained for administrative detention increased 197%, the number of crimes suspected of transferring environmental pollution increased by 204%. Under the penalty of no ceiling pressure, enterprises have one after another
“太空快递小哥”已到达,天宫二号请签收!  4月20日19时41分发射成功的天舟一号,经过一天多的飞行,在4月22日12时23分与天宫二号空间实验室顺利完成自动交会对接。这是天宫二号自2016年9月15日发射入轨以来,首次与货运飞船进行的交会对接。  “大块头”的温柔拥抱  天舟一号是我国专门针对空间站而建造的第一艘货运飞船,总长10.6米,舱体最大直径3.35米,整船最大装载状态下重量达13.5
由拉斯拉法烯烃公司(Ras Laffan Olefins Co,RLOC)经营的世界上最大的乙烷裂解装置于2010年5月5日在卡塔尔拉斯拉法正式投运。该裂解装置的生产能力为1.3 Mt/a乙烯,其建设费
NASA and Lockheed Martin have been working on an airplane design that could fly faster than the speed of sound and also fix the Concorde’s biggest problem,the
南中国石化工程建设公司、合肥通用机械研究院、中国石油化工股份有限公司管道储运分公司、宝山钢铁股份有限公司、中国石化集团第十建设公司共同完成的“15 South China P
通过对一起公共场所单位使用过期消毒产品案件的分析,探讨行政相对人主体定位以及应否承担法律责任等问题,以完善现行法律,便于加强监管。 Through analyzing the cases of