
来源 :工程机械与维修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin0929
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我单位有一台ZL5O装载机(1988年柳工产品),在改变行驶速度或行驶方向时,常常出现突然停止行走的故障。综合起来有两类故障现象,其原因分析和排除方法如下。 一、在速压力正常(1~1.5MPa范围内),但装载机突然停止行走 1.有Ⅱ档,但没有Ⅰ档和倒档 装载机在工作中若听到“咯嗒”一下响声,随即无倒档和Ⅰ档,但有Ⅱ档。这是由于机手在铲装物料时用力过猛或液压系统油温低,所产生的冲击负荷过大,而使Ⅰ档与倒档连接动力盘折断,动力输不出所致。由于Ⅰ档、倒档连接盘为铸铁加工制成,抗冲击力小,容易折断,因而机手应操纵柔和,严禁猛拉工作操作杆。 My unit has a ZL5O loader (Liugong 1988 products), in changing the driving speed or driving direction, there is often a sudden stop walking fault. Taken together there are two types of symptoms, the reasons for the analysis and troubleshooting are as follows. First, the normal speed pressure (1 ~ 1.5MPa range), but the loader suddenly stopped walking 1. There are two files, but no files and reverse gear loader in the work if you hear the “snap” click, then No reverse gear and Ⅰ file, but there are Ⅱ files. This is due to the hand when shoveling material too hard or hydraulic system oil temperature is low, the impact load is too large, leaving the first gear and reverse gear connected to the power plate broken, unable to power out. As Ⅰ file, reverse gear made of cast iron plate processing, impact resistance is small, easy to break, so the hands should be gentle, non-tugging work lever.
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