Petrogenesis of massif-type anorthosite complex,Gruber, Central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica:

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weishenmeme11
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The origin of anorthosite and associated igneous gabbronorite and ferrodiorite was investigated through detailed study of a typical massif-type anorthosite complex from Gruber, Central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarc- tica. Field observations showed that the Gruber Complex is made up of gabbronorite-anorthosite pluton which was intruded by ferrodiorite dykes. Systematic samples collected from the Gruber Complex revealed significant geo- chemical variations within the region. Four rock types have been identified, based on modal proportions of mineral phases and their geochemistry data. Clinopyroxene-gabbronorite and plagioclase-gabbronorite are the two types of gabbronorite with the dominance of clinopyroxene and plagioclase, respectively. Anorthosite is represented by rocks having predominance of plagioclase with minor clinopyroxene. Ferrodiorite is characterized by modal abundance of orthopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxide. Major and trace element systematics showed that all the four rock types are co-magmatic and are related through fractional crystallization. Based on this study, it is reported that clinopyroxene was the first phase to crystallize followed by plagioclase and then Fe-Ti oxides. Furthermore, trace element composition of the parental melt was calculated using LA-ICPMS analysis of the most primitive, pure clinopyroxene found in the clinopyroxene gabbronorite. Our analyses suggested that the parental melt was similar to that of continental arc basalt and showed signatures of subduction-related metasomatism. Based on mineral chemical and geochemical data, it is interpreted that the parent melt went through changing sequence of crystallization which led to the forma- tion of massive anorthosite. The origin of anorthosite and associated igneous gabbronorite and ferrodiorite was investigated through detailed study of a typical massif-type anorthosite complex from Gruber, Central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarc- tica. Field observations showed that the Gruber Complex is made up of gabbronorite-anorthosite pluton which was intruded by ferrodiorite dykes. Systematic samples collected from the Gruber Complex revealed significant geo- chemical variations within the region. Four rock types have been identified, based on modal proportions of mineral phases and their geochemistry data. Clinopyroxene-gabbronorite and plagioclase- gabbronorite are the two types of gabbronorite with the dominance of clinopyroxene and plagioclase, respectively. Anorthosite is represented by rocks with predominance of plagioclase with minor clinopyroxene. Ferrodiorite is characterized by modal abundance of orthopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxide. Major and trace element systematics showed that all the four rock types are co-magmatic and are related through fractional crystallization. Based on this study, it is reported that clinopyroxene was the first phase to crystallize followed by plagioclase and then Fe-Ti oxides. Further, trace element composition of the parental melt was calculated using LA -ICPMS analysis of the most primitive, pure clinopyroxene found in the clinopyroxene gabbronorite. Our analyzes that that parental melt was similar to that of continental arc basalt and showed signs of subduction-related metasomatism. Based on mineral chemical and geochemical data, it is interpreted that the parent melt went through changing sequence of crystallization which led to the forma tion of massive anorthosite.
本文采用从头算理论MP2方法研究了合金团簇(CuIn)n(n=1,2)的结构和稳定性.计算得到的双原子分子CuIn几何参数、频率和解离能跟实验数据十分吻合.( CuIn)2团簇有五个稳定结构,
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