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休闲农业与乡村旅游是一种新型产业形态和消费业态,对于我国经济进入新常态下加快转变农业发展方式,调整优化农业结构,促进一二三产业融合互动,实现农业提质增效、统筹城乡经济社会一体化发展具有十分重要的意义。近日,农业部、国家旅游局联合发出通知,部署全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范县、示范点创建工作。视点《通知》提出,各地在创建过程中,要以推动一二三产业融合、促进生产、生活、生态协调发展、开发农业多种功能、 Leisure agriculture and rural tourism are a new form of industry and consumption pattern. With regard to accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode under the new normal of our economy, adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure, promoting the integration and interaction of the first, second and third industries, realizing the agriculture improvement and efficiency enhancement, The economic and social integration is of great significance. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Tourism Administration jointly issued a circular to deploy the National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration Counties and the establishment of demonstration sites. According to the “Notice” of the viewpoint, all localities should, in the process of their establishment, promote the coordinated development of production, living and ecology in order to promote the integration of the primary and secondary industries, develop the multiple functions of agriculture,
在衣阿华州西南地区使用了 NimbusES1210F12道信号增强地震仪和 G724S 数字记录器,成功地采集到自地面至地下1800米深处的高分辨率地震反射数据。一个三人野外小组使用一辆
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盐湖天然卤水中钠的测定,通常采用醋酸铀酰锌钠重量法。因试剂昂贵,操作烦琐,故该方法一般多用于对照分析。此外,也用差减法计算钠的浓度,但准确度较差。 Everson在用记录式
1979年5月在意大利帕多瓦,国际地科联(IUGS)火成岩委员会(Systematies of Igneous Rocks——SIR)在其主席A.Streckeisen(瑞士)教授主持下开了一次会,参加会议的有美国、苏联
分析了高速公路高液限土路堤的有关工程隐患的形成机理,提供了相关的计算公式。以下是针对各类工程隐患论述了其相应的处理原则与方法。 The formation mechanism of engine
1983年6月1日至6日,来自全国25个厂家,专业研究所,大专院校的33名代表于苏州参加了ISO/TC_(25)铸铁对口联席会第二次工作会议。代表们首先听取了自上次会议以来,联 From Ju
两年多来,我们根据国内、外缩短加热时间的做法,对碳素结构钢直接进行了生产实践,完全可以满足动力机械的技术要求。 For more than two years, according to the practice