Urban Farming

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  Her words are as precise and professional as hostsof agricultural TV programs. "Some plants blossom eas-ily, while others are more difficult," she explains. "Youshould pay special attention when watering seedlings.While some plants should be watered with tea, it's betterto use water used to wash rice for others. Remember tochange the potting soil regularly. Add fresh mud from apond when you do so."
The moment he exited the spot-light for backstage, applause still booming across a temporary stage in an ancient temple, Zhu Feng tore off his hairnet and peeled off his sweat-saturated costume. “Seve
The ongoing China Design Ex-hibition in South China’s Shenzhen City has refreshed interest in and understanding of design. Unveiled at the end of 2012, the largest comprehensive design exhibition ever
Almost every city, big or small, has several stand-outbuildings recognized either for their cutting-edge beauty… or repulsiveness. Nevertheless, they all reflect the cultural flavor of the city, as we
Due to tremendous costs, super-tall buildings re-flect overall national strength to some extent. A reviewof architectural history of developed countries showsthat in the 19th century, they primarily c
Originally scheduled to wrap up on December 7, 2012,the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha was dramatically extended to December 8. However, the results were still fewer than many had hoped. Develop
CP: At present, many Chinese cities are constructingtall buildings and skyscrapers. What do you think of thetrend in regards to the development of China's buildingindustry and do you support the pheno
Lafite's adoption of a Chinese element is not just co-incidence. Perhaps connoisseurs don't all consider Lafitethe pinnacle of wine, but for Chinese novices, Lafite ismore attractive. In China, the br
Nestled in the Huliu River Valley of Hebei Province,Yuxian lies only about 240 kilometers from Beijing alongan important passage between North China Plain andZhangbei Plateau. Historically, due to its
I met Zhang Yang and his wife at 8 p.m. at the en-trance of Xidi Hutong, where their tin toy museum islocated. After passing rows and rows of traditional resi-dences with black-tiled roofs, we finally
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, legendaryboxer Muhammad Ali and Microsoft founderBill Gates all dined at the same restaurant whenvisiting Beiiing. Most would assume it was aluxurious eatery in a S