Metal dopants in HfO_2-based RRAM: first principle study

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aini826611
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Based on density-functional theory(DFT), the effects of metal dopants in HfO2-based RRAM are studied by the Vienna ab initio simulation package(VASP). Metal dopants are classified into two types(interstitial and substitutional) according to the formation energy when they exist in HfO2 cell. Several conductive channels are observed through the isosurface plots of the partial charge density for HfO2 doped with interstitial metals, while this phenomenon cannot be found in HfO2 doped with substitutional metals. The electron density of states(DOS)and the projected electron density of states(PDOS) are calculated and analyzed; it is found that the conduction filament in HfO2 is directly formed by the interstitial metals and further, that the substitutional metals cannot directly generate conduction filament. However, all the metal dopants contribute to the formation of the oxygen vacancy(VO) filament. The formation energy of the VO and the interaction between metal dopants and VO are calculated;it is revealed that the P-type substitutional metal dopants have a strong enhanced effect on the VO filament, the interstitial metal dopants have a minor assistant effect, while Hf-like and N-type substitutional metal dopants have the weakest assistant effect. Based on density-functional theory (DFT), the effects of metal dopants in HfO2-based RRAM are studied by the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP). Metal dopants are classified into two types (interstitial and substitutional) according to the formation energy when they exist in HfO2 cell. Several conductive channels are observed through the isosurface plots of the partial charge density for HfO2 doped with interstitial metals, while this phenomenon can not be found in HfO2 doped with substitutional metals. The electron density of states (DOS) and the projected electron density of states (PDOS) are calculated and analyzed; it is found the same thing to the formation of the oxygen vacancy (energy of the VO and the interaction between the metal dopants and VO are calculat it was revealed that the P-type substitutional metal dopants have a strong effect of turning on interstitial metal dopants that have a minor assistant effect, while Hf-like and N-type substitutional metal dopants have the weakest assistant effect.
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摘 要:从儿童个体发展来看,道德自律将是最终的成就和目的,他律只是实现自律的手段。二者缺一不可,但从根本上讲,自律才是最重要的。没有朝向自律的他律往往会使教育所得成果逐渐失效。帮助儿童构建道德自律并非易事,需要信任支撑、规范督促,并依托课程长期浸染。  关键词:他律;道德自律;信任;规范;课程  中图分类号:G41 文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-3121(2010)09-0013-03    