Estimation of the Total Dust Column and Dry Deposition Flux over the Yellow Sea,China Based on Shipb

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The total dust column and the dry deposition flux were calculated based on the optical properties that were measured by a shipboard sun photometer POM-01 MKⅡ in a cloud-free and nonfrontal dust condition on 24 April 2006.The total dust column was calculated by using an integration method of the particle size distribution;the mean value was 1.42±0.30 g m 2.A linear correlation between the total dust column and the aerosol optical depth (AOD) with a linear factor of 2.7 g m 2 over the Sahara was applied to calculate the total dust column in this study;the results were lower than these calculated by the integration method.A reasonable factor of 3.2 g m 2 was achieved by minimizing the standard deviation (SD) of the two methods.The two layers model,which includes the deposition processes of turbulent transfer,Brownian diffusion,impaction and gravitational settling over the sea’s surface,was used to calculate the dry deposition flux;the mean value was 5.05±2.49 μg m 2 s 1.A correlation among the total dust column,dry deposition flux,AOD,and effective radius was discussed.The correlation between the total dust column and the AOD was better than that between the total dust column and the effective radius;however,the correlation between the dry deposition flux and the effective radius was better than that between the dry deposition flux and the AOD. The total dust column and the dry deposition flux were calculated based on the optical properties that were measured by a shipboard sun photometer POM-01 MKII in a cloud-free and nonfrontal dust condition on 24 April 2006. The total dust column was calculated by using an integration method of the particle size distribution; the mean value was 1.42 ± 0.30 gm 2. A linear correlation between the total dust column and the aerosol optical depth (AOD) with a linear factor of 2.7 gm 2 over the Sahara was applied to calculate the total dust column in this study; the results were lower than these calculated by the integration method. A reasonable factor of 3.2 gm 2 was achieved by minimizing the standard deviation (SD) of the two layers model. which includes the deposition processes of turbulent transfer, Brownian diffusion, impaction and gravitational settling over the sea’s surface, was used to calculate the dry deposition flux; the mean value was 5.05 ± 2.49 μg m 2 s 1. A correlation among the total dust column, dry deposition flux, AOD, and effective radius was discussed. The correlation between the total dust column and the AOD was better than that between the total dust column and the effective radius; however, the correlation between the dry deposition flux and the effective radius was better than that between the dry deposition flux and the AOD.
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[摘要]本文通过北海某会议中心设计实例,运用BIM技术,通过土建建模、设备管线建模等方面实现三维管线综合。  [关键词] 三维管线综合;三维模型;BIM技术; Revit系列软件。  中图分类号:O141文献标识码: A  0 引言  随着社会的发展,建筑工程项目规模越来越大,功能布局越来越复杂,在这些大型、复杂的建筑工程项目中,由于各设备管线系统比较多,布局比较复杂,常常会出现设备管线之间或者设
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摘要:地下管网是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,日夜肩负着传送信息和能量的重要任务。为城市处理污水的系统、自来水、煤气、电力和通讯设施等等都属于地下管网之内,要对上述市政设施进行改建、新建、  扩建,需要工程技术人员进行安全的管道安装。本文就市政工程中顶管技术措施进行探讨。    关键词:市政工程;顶管施工技术  中图分类号:TU99文献标识码: A    引言:  顶管施工作为一种特殊的施工手段,随
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