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随着中学语文教学改革的逐步深入,近年来各地各类高考招生考试试题也逐步朝全面衡量考生掌握知识的深度和广度、实际具有的智力和能力这一方向发展。当然,各地的教学情况不尽相同,试题形式也千变万化,但总的趋向是:一、从整个卷面来看,倾向于数量中考质量,从速度中测程度。因而内容增多、涉及面广:要求学生反应敏捷,知识熟练。这里就有一个答题的方法向题。通常的方法是按试卷题目的顺序,先答知识题、阅读题、然后写作文。一般来说,知识题比较简单,容易得分,有助于消除临场紧张情绪,渐入最佳精神状态;而且顺序而下,可以避免遗漏。这种方法最大的危险是在知识题、阅读题上花去了大部分时间和精力,等 With the gradual deepening of the reform of Chinese language teaching in middle schools, examination questions for various types of college entrance examinations in recent years have gradually developed toward the overall measurement of the depth and breadth of the candidates’ knowledge, actual intelligence and ability. Of course, the situation of teaching varies from place to place, and the form of test questions is also ever-changing, but the general trend is: First, from the perspective of the entire reel, it is apt to quantify the quality of the test and measure the degree from the speed. As a result, the content has increased and involves a wide range of areas: the students are required to respond with agility and knowledge. Here is a method for answering questions. The usual method is to answer questions in the order of questions, answer questions, read questions, and then write the text. In general, knowledge questions are relatively simple, easy to score, help to eliminate tensions in the spot, and get into the best mental state; and in order, you can avoid omissions. The greatest danger of this method is that it takes most of the time and effort to cover knowledge questions and reading questions.