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基于结构力学中的力法原理,对动车转向架构架结构几何尺寸进行参数化设计,利用Microsoft Visual C++6.0实现程序化。根据构架设计的原始参数、UIC 615-4—2003标准规定的计算载荷和载荷工况及制造材料的许用应力,确定构架的总体尺寸和不同截面的几何尺寸,分析动车转向架构架在各个载荷工况下的最大名义应力。通过计算应力与许用应力的比较,检查构架结构尺寸的合理性。计算结果表明:在构架结构方案设计过程中,根据UIC 615-4—2003和EN 13749—2005标准的规定,载荷工况1~13的von-Mises应力小于制造材料16Mn的许用应力230 MPa,载荷工况14的von-Mises应力小于制造材料16Mn的屈服极限345 MPa,构架的静强度满足设计的要求,因此,应用参数化设计可以快速有效地确定构架的结构几何尺寸,提高构架的设计效率。 Based on the principle of force method in structural mechanics, the geometrical dimensions of the frame structure of the moving bogie are parametrically designed, and the program is implemented by Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0. According to the original parameters of the frame design, the calculated loads and the load conditions as well as the allowable stresses of the fabricated materials specified in the UIC 615-4-2003 standard, the overall dimensions of the frame and the geometrical dimensions of different sections are determined. Maximum nominal stress under operating conditions. By calculating the stress and allowable stress comparison, check the frame structure size rationality. The calculation results show that the von-Mises stress of loading conditions 1 ~ 13 is less than the allowable stress of manufacturing material 16Mn 230 MPa according to the provisions of UIC 615-4-2003 and EN 13749-2005 during the design of the framework structure. The von-Mises stress of the load case 14 is less than the yield limit of the material 16Mn 345 MPa. The static strength of the frame meets the design requirements. Therefore, parametric design can quickly and effectively determine the structural geometry of the frame and improve the design efficiency of the frame .
《论语》所及“负版”释义,素有三种说法,即图籍说、负贩说、丧服说。本文通过考辨认为丧服说是。 “Analects” as the “negative version ” paraphrase, there are thr
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一元二次方程根的判别式是人教版第十二章第三节的知识内容 ,这些知识比较重要 ,它既可以根据根的判别式判断一元二次方程根的情况 ,还可以利用这些知识来研究一元二次函数、
何谓清官?在“独尊儒术”的时代,行教便是清官的首要因素;而在崇尚法家政治的战国,守法则成了清官的使命。司马迁在《史记》中也为清官立下了标准:清廉、行教、守法。但无论哪个时代,百姓对清官的判断标准却一成不变——廉洁。做官是否清廉,成了百姓评判官员好坏的关键。  古人云:能吏寻常见,公廉第一难。屈原在他的名著《离骚》中咏道:众皆竞进以贪婪兮,凭不厌乎求索。描写的就是楚国贵族、官僚争先恐后比试贪婪,贪财