
来源 :中国原子能科学研究院年报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hb524656810123
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核级阀门的流体阻断试验是研究反应堆回路在紧急情况下特别是在设计基准事故工况下,核级阀门紧急关闭切断流体的能力。该项试验是核级阀门国产化进程中核级阀门功能鉴定试验里的一项难度很大的试验。为系统地掌握核级阀门功能验证试验中的流体阻断试验的技术和方法,为我国具备开展流体阻断试验的技术能力以及制定核级阀门流体阻断试验的试验标准提供坚实的技术基础,通过核能开发 The fluid-barrier test of a nuclear-grade valve is a study of the ability of a nuclear-level valve to shut-off an emergency shutdown of a fluid in an emergency, especially under design basis accident conditions. This test is a difficult test in the functional verification of nuclear valves in the process of localization of nuclear valves. In order to systematically master the technology and method of the fluid blocking test in the functional verification of the nuclear grade valve, it provides a solid technical foundation for our country to have the technical capability to carry out the fluid blocking test and to set the test standards for the nuclear-level valve fluid blocking test, Through nuclear energy development
Machine protection system is mainly used for RFQ control in China ADS project.The flow and temperature monitoring for waterway are provided in this system,and i
中国实验快堆(简称实验快堆,CEFR),热功率65 MW,试验发电功率20 MW,首炉燃料使用UO2,采用堆本体池式结构和钠-钠-水三回路热传输系统,并首次独立设立非能动事故余热排出系统
使用溶液体积为1.0 mL的液体标准源对LaBr3(Ce)γ谱仪进行了效率校准,液体标准源采用外径16 mm、壁厚0.5 mm的玻璃安瓿瓶封装。标准源包括由241Am、109Cd、57Co、139Ce、51Cr
The single layer graphene and thin graphite films,got from highly ordered pyrolytic graphite by micromechanical cleavage,were irradiated by 209Bi 31+ions with i
In the early stage of the construction for the Accelerator Driven Sub-critical (ADS) program,there are a series of tests for superconducting cavity(RFQ+HWR).And