Lead isotopic systematics for native copper-chalcocite mineralization in basaltic lavas of the Emeis

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjp023
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The Emeishan continental flood basalt, which is widespread in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces of Southwest China, is the volcanic product of a Permian mantle plume, and native copper-chalcocite mineralization associated with the basalt is very common in the border area of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. The mineralization occurred in the tuff intercalation and terrestrial sedimentary rock intercalation which were formed during the main period of basalt eruption. The orebodies are controlled by the stratigraphic position and faults. Metal ore minerals in the ores are mainly native copper, chalcocite and tenorite, with small amounts of chalcopyrite, bomite, pyrite and malachite, and sometimes with large amounts of bitumen, carbon and plant debris. Several decades of ore deposits are distributed in the neighboring areas of the two provinces, while most of them are small-scale deposits or only ore occurrences. By comparing the lead isotopic composition of the ores with that of the wall-rocks, cover and basement rocks of various periods, the source of copper in this type of ore deposits was studied in this paper. The results showed that: (1) The Pb isotopic composition of the ores from ten deposits is absolutely different from that of siliceous-argillaceus rocks of the Upper Permian Xuanwei Formation, limestones of the Lower Permian Series and Carboniferous, Cambrian sandstone-shale and recta-sedimentary rock and dolomite from the upper part of the Meso-Proterozoic Kunyang Group. This indicates that ore lead was derived neither from the cover rock nor from the basement rocks; (2) Although the Neo-Proterozoic Siman dolomite and silicalite, and dolomite in the lower part of the Kunyang Group are similar in Pb isotopic composition to the ores, lead and copper contents in these rocks are very low and they have not made great contributions to copper mineralization; (3) The ores have the same Pb isotopic composition as the basalt, the latter being enriched in copper. These facts indicate that lead and copper were derived from the basalt. According to the regional geological data and the geological-geochemical characteristics of the ore deposits, it is suggested that ore-forming materials were leached out from the basalt. The thickness and buried depth of the basalt and regional tectonic dynamics can affect the formation of large-scale copper deposits. Therefore, exploration for this type of ore deposits should be conducted in the areas from western Yunnan to western Sichuan, where there are developed basalts of great thickness, with extensive tectonic movement and magmatic activity. The Emeishan continental flood basalt, which is widespread in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces of Southwest China, is the volcanic product of a Permian mantle plume, and native copper-chalcocite mineralization associated with the basalt is very common in the border area of ​​Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. The mineralization occurred in the tuff intercalation and terrestrial sedimentary rock intercalation which were formed during the main period of basalt eruption. The orebodies are controlled by the stratigraphic position and faults. Metal ore minerals in theores are mainly native copper, chalcocite and tenorite, with small amounts of chalcopyrite, bomite, pyrite and malachite, and sometimes with large amounts of bitumen, carbon and plant debris. Several decades of ore deposits are distributed in the neighboring areas of the two provinces, while most of them are small- scale deposits or only ore occurrences. By comparing the lead isotopic composition of the ores with that of the wall -rocks, cover and basement rocks of various periods, the source of copper in this type of ore deposits was studied in this paper. The results showed that: (1) The Pb isotopic composition of the ores from ten deposits is absolutely different from that that of siliceous-argillaceus rocks of the Upper Permian Xuanwei Formation, limestones of the Lower Permian Series and Carboniferous, Cambrian sandstone-shale and recta-sedimentary rock and dolomite from the upper part of the Meso-Proterozoic Kunyang Group. This indicates that ore lead was derived neither from the cover rock nor from the basement rocks; (2) Although the Neo-Proterozoic Siman dolomite and silicalite, and dolomite in the lower part of the Kunyang Group are similar in Pb isotopic composition to the ores, lead and copper contents in these rocks are very low and they have not made great contributions to copper mineralization; (3) The ores have the same Pb isotopic composition as the basalt, the latter being enriched in copper. Thesefacts indicate that lead and copper were derived from the basalt. According to the regional geological data and the geological-geochemical characteristics of the ore deposits, it is suggested that ore-forming materials were leached out from the basalt. The thickness and buried depth of the basalt and regional tectonic dynamics can affect the formation of large-scale copper deposits. Therefore, exploration for this type of ore deposits should be conducted in the areas from western Yunnan to western Sichuan, where there are developed basalts of great thickness, extensive tectonic movement and magmatic activity.
目的 探讨转移抑制基因ME491/CD63、整合素(integrin)α5蛋白和mRNA在卵巢上皮性癌(卵巢癌)组织中的表达及其意义.方法应用RT-PCR技术和原位杂交方法检测正常卵巢组织(Ⅰ组,30份)、卵巢良性上皮性肿瘤组织(Ⅱ组,10份)、卵巢交界性上皮性肿瘤组织(Ⅲ组,6份)和卵巢癌组织(Ⅳ组,48份)中ME491/CD63及integrin α5蛋白和mRNA的表达,并分析其与患者各临床
研究表明表达于SiSo细胞系的受体结合型癌抗原(receptor-binding cancer antigen expressed on SiSo cells,RCAS1)能抑制具有相应受体活化的肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞增殖,并诱导其凋亡.本研究应用免疫组化方法检测了RCAS1在正常胃黏膜、不典型增生、早期癌及进展期癌中的表达情况,同时用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法分析了胃癌组织和癌旁正常组
患者男,26岁,上腹痛3个月,2005年12月13日来我院行胃镜检查,在胃体上部大弯侧发现巨大隆起性病灶,4.0 cm×4.0 cm,病灶顶端可见2.0 cm×2.0 cm的不规则溃疡,周围黏膜粗糙,溃疡表面覆盖污苔,溃疡周边有虫食样改变,在边缘取活检3块.同时胃镜检查还发现胃窦部可见大小均一的结节样隆起,染色后前壁尤为明显,在结节处共取活检2块.尿素酶快速试验证实幽门螺杆菌强阳性.病理结果证实胃
患者男,33岁.因反复上腹部疼痛伴黑便1个月入院.入院前在当地医院胃镜检查提示胃炎,未见肿块与溃疡,给予制酸保护胃黏膜治疗1个月后无明显好转而转入我院.入院查体:明显贫血貌,上腹部压痛(+),未及肿块.实验室:血红蛋白66.5 g/L.胃镜检查提示浅表性胃炎,未见肿物与溃疡,拟诊"上消化道出血:糜烂性胃炎"给于制酸治疗。
Background: Although the histopathological subtype of melanoma has not been clearly proven to carry independent prognostic significance, acral lentiginous melan