大力加强科技档案工作 开发科技档案信息资源为社会主义现代化建设服务——国家档案局局长韩毓虎在全国科技档案工作会议上的工作报告(摘要)1986年12月18日

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党的十一届三中全会以来,在党和国家的重视和关怀下,在社会主义经济建设和改革、开放的大好形势推动下,科技档案工作得到迅速发展。为了贯彻实现《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第七个五年计划》和《档案事业发展“七五”计划》,国家经委、国家计委、国家科委和国家档案局联合召开会议,共同商讨进一步加强科技档案工作,开发科技档案信息资源,为社会主义现代化建设服务的问题。“六五”期间科技档案工作的回顾“六五”期间,科技档案工作主要是围绕着社会主义现代化建设的需要,贯彻执行国务院批转的全国科技档案工作会议报告和国务院批准的《科学技术档案工作条例》,在全国范围 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), with the great attention and care of the party and the state, the scientific and technological archives have been rapidly developed under the favorable situation of socialist economic construction and reform and opening up. In order to implement the “Seventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Seventh Five-year Plan” for the development of archives, the State Economic Commission, the State Development Planning Commission, the State Science and Technology Commission and the State Archives jointly hold a meeting to jointly Discuss the issue of further strengthening scientific and technological archives, developing science and technology archives and information resources and serving the socialist modernization drive. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan”, scientific and technological archives work focused on the needs of socialist modernization, the implementation of the State Council approved the file of the national science and technology work report and the State Council approved the “Science and Technology Files Working Regulations ”across the country
1987年6月25日,德格县档案馆干部吴玲、何健在接收八帮乡丈书档案的同时,发现该乡档案室存放有明代和清代档案各一卷。在乡政府的支持下,它们现已为县馆收藏。 明朝档案是蛋
一、灾害对世界文明的威胁 何为灾害?灾害指“人类社会、社会生产、自然环境、生态、机关、家庭等发生伤亡,受到危害,有物质财产毁损的自然 First, the threat of disaster