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校企合作顾名思义是企业和学校合作,采用联合办学,工学结合等模式。这种校企合作模式源自于我国的“师傅带徒弟”、“企业办技校”形式,也是我国技工院校最常见的理论联系实际的教学方式之一。笔者从事技工学校教学工作,感受到一方面是国家缺少技能型人才,但另一方面又是技工院校发展缓慢的矛盾现状。笔者认为校企合作是技工院校发展的一个突破口。通过校企合作的办学模式,让学生毕业后就成为技术上的合格人才, School-enterprise cooperation as the name suggests is the cooperation between enterprises and schools, the use of joint school, engineering and other modes. This mode of school-enterprise cooperation stems from the form of “master-apprentice” and “enterprise-run technical school” in our country. It is also one of the most common theoretical and practical teaching methods in our country’s technical institutions. The author is engaged in the teaching of mechanic schools, feel the one hand, the country lacks skilled talent, but on the other hand is the slow development of technical institutions contradictions. The author believes that the cooperation between school and enterprise is a breakthrough in the development of technical colleges. Through school-enterprise cooperation in school mode, so that students graduated to become technically qualified personnel,
Yakuchinone-A, a natural strong pungent flavor isolated from Alpina oxyphylla, was synthesized starting from vanillin and cinnamaldehyde in five steps and in 62
2002年10月12-17日,第四届中国国际高新技术成果交易会(高交会)在深圳市隆重举行。 中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记李长春出席开幕式,全国人大常委会副委员长周光召致开幕
近来,巴西南大河州天主教大学(PUCRS)、南大河州联邦大学和圣保罗大学的研究人员发现,胃泌素释放肽(gastrin-releasing peptide,GRP)受体(GRPR)在中性粒细胞趋化性的调节中起
A simple and selective method for the determination of epinephrine is putforward, which is an improved modification of the trihydroxyindole method. Experimentin