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振兴老工业基地是全新思维和经济体制、全新产业结构和技术水平、全新企业素质和发展能力、全新运行方式和竞争实力的转换、培育和再造过程,总的方向和重点是努力解决三大问题:一是转换、培育、完备出新的经济体制和运行机制;二是调整、改造、振兴出新的产业和企业群;三是培育、完善出比较完备的社会保障体系。这三个方面相辅相成,缺一不可。老工业基地的调整改造,首先是国有企业的改制重组,哪个地方在国有企业改制重组方面率先取得突破,就能抢占发展的先机和制高点。今年是吉林市国有企业改制攻坚年,针对吉林市现存国有企业的实际,要在较短的时间内基本完成全部国有企业的改制这一任务,必须用新思维、新方式推动国有企业改制实现新突破。振兴吉林,我们要有新思维、新方式:一是市场化运作的思维。企业是改制的主体,主动 Revitalizing the old industrial base is a process of conversion, cultivation and reengineering of new thinking and economic system, new industrial structure and technological level, new enterprise quality and development capability, new operation mode and competitive strength. The general direction and emphasis are to strive to solve three major problems The first is to transform, nurture and complete a new economic system and operational mechanism. The second is to adjust, reform and revitalize new industries and business groups. The third is to cultivate and perfect a relatively complete social security system. These three aspects complement each other, are indispensable. The adjustment and reform of the old industrial bases are, first of all, the restructuring and reorganization of state-owned enterprises and the first breakthrough made in the restructuring and reorganization of state-owned enterprises to seize the opportunities and the high ground for development. This year is a crucial year for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in Jilin City. In response to the reality of existing state-owned enterprises in Jilin City, we must basically complete the task of restructuring all state-owned enterprises in a relatively short period of time. We must use new thinking and new ways to promote the restructuring of state- breakthrough. To rejuvenate Jilin, we must have new thinking and new ways: First, thinking of market-oriented operation. Enterprises are the main body of reform, take the initiative
牙髓病传统治疗是以干髓、塑化等疗法保存牙齿,操作复杂,复诊多次,远期疗效差,为此我们选用20%二甲亚砜作为载体与氢氧化钙联合应用盖髓,获得了较好疗效。材料方法 1.病例选
笔者曾用一侧带蒂顶骨瓣整复造釉细胞瘤切除后全下颌骨缺损1例,效果良好现介绍如下。 手术方法 手术分二组同时进行。 骨瓣的切取:右顶部矢状切口与颌下切口相连, I used t
至少有6百万美国人被诊断为糖尿病,糖尿病患者牙周病发病率明显高于正常人,故无牙颌者及需行牙槽嵴加高术者增多.糖尿病可引起胶原生成减少和周围血 At least 6 million Am