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在新的历史形势下完善并改进党的建设,使党继续保持本色并充满活力,具有十分重要的意义。当前党的建设遇到一些新情况、新问题,比如脱离人民群众,民主集中制流于形式,权力缺乏有效约束和督导等,导致一些领导干部蜕变为腐败分子。如何把权力关进制度的笼子,保持党的健康与活力,通过读书学习与学员同志们交流讨论,形成如下主要思路:一、认真总结党的建设优势与经验中国共产党从建党到夺取政权,面对强大的敌人, Under the new historical situation, it is of great significance to improve and improve party building so that the party will continue to maintain its character and be energetic. At present, the party building encounters some new situations and new problems, such as the gradual separation from the people, the flow of democratic centralism in the form, the lack of effective restraint and supervision of power, and the transformation of some leading cadres into corrupt elements. How to put power into the cage of the system and maintain the health and vitality of the party. Through studying and studying, we should exchange and discuss with the students and comrades to form the following main ideas: First, conscientiously summarize the advantages and experience of party building. From the founding of CPC to the seizure of power, For powerful enemies,
引进高级制造标准意味着测试设备必须更精确地校准 The introduction of advanced manufacturing standards means that test equipment must be more precisely calibrated
1. 他从未去过长城,是吗?  [误]He has never been to the Great Wall, hasn’t he?  [正] He has never been to the Great Wall, has he?  [析] 当陈述部分含有never, few, little, nothing, nobody, hardly(几乎不)等表示否定意义的词时,疑问部分须用肯定式。  
AMD宣布推出GigaPHY_(TM)-SD千兆位(Gigabit)以太网实体层晶片。生产商可采用这种晶片生产高性能的千兆位以太网解决方案,其 AMD Announces GigaPHY_ (TM) -SD Gigabit Eth
调查显示,未来50年内领带可能被职场白领淘汰,和礼帽一样被放逐到服饰博物馆去。 According to the survey, the tie may be eliminated by white-collar workers in the ne