A CMOS G_m-C complex filter with on-chip automatic tuning for wireless sensor network application

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meheaven
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A G_m-C complex filter with on-chip automatic tuning for wireless sensor networks is designed and implemented using 0.18μm CMOS process.This filter is synthesized from a low-pass 5th-order Chebyshev RLC ladder filter prototype by means of capacitors and fully balanced transconductors.A conventional phase-locked loop is used to realize the on-chip automatic tuning for both center frequency and bandwidth control.The filter is centered at 2 MHz with a bandwidth of 2.4 MHz.The measured results show that the filter provides more than 45 dB image rejection while the ripple in the pass-band is less than 1.2 dB.The complete filter including on-chip tuning circuit consumes 4.9 mA with 1.8 V single supply voltage. A G_m-C complex filter with on-chip automatic tuning for wireless sensor networks is designed and implemented using 0.18 μm CMOS process. This filter is synthesized from a low-pass 5th-order Chebyshev RLC ladder filter prototype by means of capacitors and fully balanced The conventional phase-locked loop is used to realize the on-chip automatic tuning for both center frequency and bandwidth control. The filter is centered at 2 MHz with a bandwidth of 2.4 MHz. The measured results show that the filter provides more than 45 dB image rejection while the ripple in the pass-band is less than 1.2 dB. The complete filter including on-chip tuning circuit consumes 4.9 mA with 1.8 V single supply voltage.
本文对奇异超线性二阶三点边值问题进行了研究,文章共分为四部分: 首先是引言部分,介绍论文写作背景和要研究的问题,即奇异超线性二阶三点边值问题。简要概括已读文献中对该问
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