
来源 :中国农学通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NewMagic
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遗传多样性分析为黧蒴栲优良品种的培育和利用提供技术依据。利用AFLP技术对39个黧蒴栲半同胞家系进行遗传多样性分析,结果显示利用8对引物共扩增出清晰条带761条,其中有多态性的条带有565条,多态率为74.14%,半同胞家系之间遗传多样性较高。黧蒴栲不同优树采集地之间遗传多样性较大,遗传多样性表现出较明显的地域性。各优树采集地内的遗传多样性表现不一致:湖南通道、福建明溪、广东平远优树采集地内遗传变异小;广西永福、融水、平果3地优树采集地内遗传变异较大,存在较大的遗传多样性;广西苍梧优树采集地内遗传变异最大。黧蒴栲出现优良半同胞家系的几率和遗传多样性密切相关,遗传多样性高的出现优良半同胞家系的几率大。出现优良家系的几率与家系所处的地理位置具有相关性,优良率与家系所处的纬度呈高度负相关,与经度为中度负相关。 Genetic diversity analysis provided the technical basis for the cultivation and utilization of fine varieties of Castanopsis ostreatus. AFLP technique was used to analyze the genetic diversity of 39 families of C. occidentalis. The results showed that 761 clear bands were amplified by 8 pairs of primers, of which 565 were polymorphic bands with polymorphism rate of 74.14%, higher genetic diversity among half-sib families. The genetic diversity among the different provenances was higher in the order of Gypsophila patens, and the genetic diversity showed more obvious regional characteristics. The genetic diversity of each tree was inconsistent: the genetic variation in the access sites of Hunan Channel, Mingxi of Fujian and Youyi of Pingyao of Guangdong was small; the variation of genetic diversity in the sampling sites of Youyou, Rongshui and Pingguo in Guangxi was larger, Larger genetic diversity; Guangxi Cangwu trees collected the largest genetic variation. The probability of occurrence of excellent half-sib families in C. occidentalis is closely related to the genetic diversity, and there is a high probability of emergence of an excellent half-sib family with high genetic diversity. There is a correlation between the probability of having a good family and the geographic location of the family. The rate of good and bad is highly negatively correlated with the latitude of the family and negatively correlated with the longitude.
1993年11月 30日~12月4日,水利行业标准《水电站引水渠道及前池设计规范》征求意见稿讨论会在北京召开。规范征求意见稿包括引水渠道布置、引水渠道纵横断面设计、前池及调节
A simultaneous inversion of earthquake relocation and three-dimensional crustal structure of P-wave velocity in central-western China (21癗~36癗, 98癊~112癊) we
Hydrocarbons, include heavy oils, normal oils, waxy oils and light oils, condensate oils and gases were all found in Lunnan Oilfield, the occurrences of hydroca
摘 要: 仪器分析是一门实践性很强的课程,针对仪器分析实验教学中存在的问题,作者提出了从教学观念、教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和考核制度等方面的改革和探索,旨在调动学生的学习积极性,提高实验教学质量。  关键词: 仪器分析 实验教学 教学改革  仪器分析是我院药学和医学检验专业开设的一门重要的专业基础课,本课程是解决生命、化学及相关学科许多科研问题的重要手段,是生命科学相关学科的重要课程。  一、
摘 要:为了提高教学质量,笔者在卓越技师班实习教学中采取了分组教学模式,建立兴趣小组,开展兴趣技能竞赛,带领学生参与实习产品的设计及生产,让学生在赶、比、超浓郁的学习氛围中学会自我学习、自我管理、自我服务,激发了学生的学习兴趣,发挥了学生的主观能动性,有助于培养和提高学生的科研与创新能力。  关键词:兴趣教学法;实习教学;保障措施  “兴趣教学法”是一种建立在激发学生兴趣的基础上,让学生会学、爱学
Based on digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by 28 long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network, source process of the November 1